python f string

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showing results for - "python f string"
09 Sep 2017
1>>> name = "Eric"
2>>> age = 74
3>>> f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}."
4'Hello, Eric. You are 74.'
01 Mar 2020
3An f-string stands for 'function-string' it's just used to work with 
4strings more appropiately, they do the exact same job as concantenating
5strings but are more efficient and readable.
8# Concantenating strings:
10Age = "25"
12print("I am "+Age+" years old.")
14# Using f strings:
16Age = 25
18print(f"I am {Age} years old.")
20# ^ notice the letter 'f' at the begining of the string.
21# That defines the string as being an f-string.
23# A third way of inputting variables into a string is by using
24# .format()
26Age = "25"
28print("I am {} years old.".format(Age))
30# If you had more than one variable:
32Age = "25"
33Name = "Jeff"
35print("I am {} years old, and my name is {}.".format(Age,Name))
05 Jan 2021
1>>> name = "Eric"
2>>> age = 74
3>>> f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}."
4'Hello, Eric. You are 74.'
04 Feb 2019
1import random
2name = input("What is your name? ") #Gets needed input
3value = int(input(f"Give random value, {name}: ")) # The {name} means it puts the variable name there
4multiplier = random.randint(3, 6)
5print("Now multiplying your value...")
6complete_value = multiplier * value
7print(f"Your value is... {complete_value}") # Same here with complete_value
05 Sep 2020
1# f-strings help in string concatenation
2name = 'Psych4_3.8.3'
3age = 23
4job = 'programmer'
7print("I am %s a %t of age %u", %(name, job, age))
10print(f"I am {name} a {job} of age {age}")
11# here you can even see whcih value is inserted in which place....
12# the f means that it is an f string. DONT FORGET IT!!
24 Sep 2019
1import math
3print('[[fill]align]                | f\'{"text":10}\'      | ', f'{"text":10}')        # text
4print('[[fill]align]                | f\'{"text":>10}\'     | ', f'{"text":>10}')       #       text
5print('[[fill]align]                | f\'{"text":^10}\'     | ', f'{"text":^10}')       #    text
6print('[[fill]align]                | f\'{"text":#>10}\'    | ', f'{"text":#>10}')      # ######text
7print('[[fill]align]                | f\'{"text":#<10}\'    | ', f'{"text":#<10}')      # text######
8print('[[fill]align]                | f\'{"text":#^10}\'    | ', f'{"text":#^10}')      # ###text###
9print('[[fill]align] with numbers   | f\'{12345:0=10}\'     | ', f'{12345:0=10}')       # 0000012345
10print('[[fill]align] with numbers   | f\'{-12345:0=10}\'    | ', f'{-12345:0=10}')      # -000012345      
11print('[[fill]align] with numbers   | f\'{12345:010}\'      | ', f'{12345:010}')        # 0000012345
12print('[[fill]align] with numbers   | f\'{-12345:010}\'     | ', f'{-12345:010}')       # -000012345
13print('[.precision]                 | f\'{math.pi:.2f}\'    | ', f'{math.pi:.2f}')      # 3.14
14print('[grouping_option]            | f\'{1000000:,.2f}\'   | ', f'{1000000:,.2f}')     # 1,000,000.00
15print('[grouping_option]            | f\'{1000000:_.2f}\'   | ', f'{1000000:_.2f}')     # 1_000_000.00
16print('[sign] (+/-)                 | f\'{12345:+}\'        | ', f'{12345:+}')          # +12345
17print('[sign] (+/-)                 | f\'{-12345:+}\'       | ', f'{-12345:+}')         # -12345
18print('[sign] (+/-)                 | f\'{12345:+10}\'      | ', f'{12345:+10}')        #     +12345
19print('[sign] (+/-)                 | f\'{-12345:+10}\'     | ', f'{-12345:+10}')       #     -12345
20print('[sign] (+/-)                 | f\'{12345:+010}\'     | ', f'{12345:+010}')       # +000012345
21print('[sign] (+/-)                 | f\'{-12345:+010}\'    | ', f'{-12345:+010}')      # -000012345
22print('[b] (binary)                 | f\'{10:b}\'           | ', f'{10:b}')             # 1010
23print('[o] (octal)                  | f\'{10:o}\'           | ', f'{10:o}')             # 12
24print('[x] (hexadecimal)            | f\'{100:x}\'          | ', f'{100:x}')            # 64
25print('[#b] (with notation base)    | f\'{10:#b}\'          | ', f'{10:#b}')            # 0b1010
26print('[#0] (with notation base)    | f\'{10:#o}\'          | ', f'{10:#o}')            # 0o12
27print('[#x] (with notation base)    | f\'{10:#x}\'          | ', f'{10:#x}')            # 0xa
28print('[e] (scientific notation)    | f\'{345600000000:e}\' | ', f'{345600000000:e}')   # 3.456000e+11
29print('[c] (character type)         | f\'{65:c}\'           | ', f'{65:c}')             # A
30print('percentage (multiply by 100) | f\'{0.25:0%}\'        | ', f'{0.25:0%}')          # 25.000000%
31print('percentage (multiply by 100) | f\'{0.25:.0%}\'       | ', f'{0.25:.0%}')         # 25%
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pythonpython format string f in version 3 5fstring vs format pythonmhow to highlight the strings in python fstringpandas f stringruntime error 28unboundlocalexception 29 3a local variable 27num 27 referenced before assignment traceback 3a line 112 2c in f 2c 22 3cstring 3e 22 line 156 2c in scripthow to use f string for defining a variablef string in python 3f string and r string pythonfstringpython f string printpython using f string 3d in python fstringpython f 28 29 28 29 syntaxpython3 string format ff in python functionpython f 27 24 7b 7d 27correct f string in pythonf string pythonformatted string literalsf strings in python in python 2 7class in python 3 returning f stringf strings pathsformat with f stringf strings python 3 8f python stringf string pytyhon format and f format in pythonwhat is f string in pythoncan you add the f in f string after creating the stringwhat is an fstring in pythonpython bytes f stringpython format string use fuse f string pythonpython f stingf strings vs formatprython f string 22 25f 22pythonformatted string literals python synatax errorhow to use f string as variable in pythonfstrings pythonmultiline f string ptyhonf sting pythonpython 2ffformat string in python 3python3 f stringsf 22 7b 7d 22 pythonf 22 7b 7d 7b 7d 22 in python3python format tring using f 22 22can you capitlize f stringpython3 f formattingpython f 28 29python insert f string into function parameteruse f strings 3a with a variablepython string f f prefix string pythonf strings multiple formatspython format string fpython3 how to use formated stringf in print python3python how to use 5b 5d in f stringpython f string tutorialf string formatting in pythonpython multiline fstringwhat does f 22 22 in python dof 22 22 pythonf strings pythonprint 28f pythonf string without printf string ypthonf string python formatf python formattingpython 2 use f stringissues on f 27 pythonhow to format multiline string python with f f string djangopython dict key in f stringpython f string dictionaryhow to escape in f string pythonalternative to f string in pythonuse f string in function in flask appwhy use f in pythonf 27 27 in pythonhow to use f in print in pythonf 27 27 7c 27 5b 27 7c 27 5d 27 in pythonwhen were f strings added to pythonf string python3how to use f in pythonwhat is f 27 in pythonphyton f stringpyhton f stringstring formatting python 3f string str 25 2af pythonpython backslash in f stringstring interpolation f 27use print 28f 29 in pytrhon2python use 7b in fstringpython 7b in fstringpython 3 f string formatf string dstring f pythonf strign pythonpython f string 7b 3df 27 27 27 7bvar 7d 27 27 27 python f pythonf format python 3 6f strong pythonf strings python 7bf format pythonformat number using f string in pythonpython string ff string expression part cannot include a backslashpython f string triple quoteformat string python 3python adding f to the start of a stringpython string f 7b 7dpython f 27 27 stringpython format with f stringsf string pythonf 27 stringpython string f 22python print 28fpython string format f name variables with f string pythonwhich pa ckage containf f in pythonpython f string alternativef 22 22 22 pythonf conversion specifier pythonuse f python stringprint fstring pythonpython string literal vs formatf in python stringf operator pythonf string python mathematical 24 24f string formatwhy do people put an f in front of what is to be printed in pythonpython3 24 in an fstringpython f string getformat vs f stringpython f string syntaxf 27 27 pythonf strings to format strings conversionhow to use 7b 7d in f string pythonfstring print 7bf string vs normal string pythonhow to use fstrings in pythonpython create fstringpython f f format print pythonf strings in pythonf format in pythonwhat is the use of f before a string in pythonpython constants f stringsf 22 format functionwhat does f 22 22 mean in pythonpython 3d f 22 7b 7d 22how to write curly brackets in f stringf string python objectf string indent and formatformat python f stringbinary f string pythonf string format using f 27 in pythonhow to assign a variable inside an f string in pythonprintf and f string samef string syntax pythonpandas f string in dictionarypython f string dictf string python c5 bepython print fvariable supplied to f pythonwhy is f string faster than format 28 29 in pythonpython 3 7 fstring printpython f 22f string formatting pythonf string vs formatstring literal f 24f 22 7b 7d 22f string str djangopython add f string to stringformat using fstringsfstring invalid variablepython fstring 3df string python logic format python ff string before python 3python3 multiline f stringpython 3 fstringfunction setplayertag 28p 3a offline player 2c f 3a string 29 3a 3a boolean 3ahow to use f string literal in pythonf string python 3c 3ahow do i use f in pythonpython when to use f stringspython f string