python get banners of ports

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30 Aug 2016
1import socket  
2 import sys  
3 import os  
4 #grab the banner  
5 def grab_banner(ip_address,port):  
6      try:  
7           s=socket.socket()  
8           s.connect((ip_address,port))  
9           banner = s.recv(1024)  
10           print (ip_address + ':' + banner )
11      except:  
12           return  
13 def checkVulns(banner):  
14      if len(sys.argv) >=2:  
15           filename = sys.argv[1]  
16           for line in filename.readlines():  
17                line = line.strip('\n')  
18                if banner in line:  
19                     print ("%s is vulnerable" %banner) 
20                else:  
21                     print ("%s is not vulnerable")  
22 def main():  
23      portList = [21,22,25,80,110]  
24      for x in range(0,255):  
25           for port in portList:  
26                ip_address = '192.168.0.' + str(x)  
27                grab_banner(ip_address,port)  
28 if __name__ == '__main__':  
29      main()  
17 Aug 2016
1import socket
3ip = input('IP Address: ')
4starting_port = ('Starting port: ')
5ending_port = ('Ending port: ')
7for port in range(starting_port, ending_port):
8	try:
9    	print(f'Getting service information for port: {port}')
10        s = socket.socket()
11        s.connect((ip, port))
12        banner = s.recv(1024)
13        print(f"{ip}: {banner}")
14    except:
15    	print(f'Cannot connect to port: {port}')