python get input

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showing results for - "python get input"
15 Nov 2017
1#Collecting The Input As A Variable:#
2name = input('Please enter your name: ')
3#Printing The Variable:#
5#Checking The Variable And Printing Accordingly:#
6if name == 'Joe':
7  print('Joe Mama')
31 Apr 2016
1name = input("What is your name?\n") # Asks the user 'What is your name?' and stores it in the 'name' variable
3print("You said your name was " + name)
5number = int(input("Please select a random number:\n")) # Will get input as a number
6# Will error if the value entered is not a number
8# You can use any type of conversion (int(), bool(), float(), etc.) to modify your input
28 Nov 2016
1var = input("Text: ")
07 Jan 2019
1#just get input
2test = input()
4#add a custom message
5test = input("Please enter your information: ")
7#turning what is inputed into a differnt type of data
8test = int(input("Please enter your information: "))
16 Oct 2016
1name = input("What is your name: ")
5if name == "Jeff":
6  print("My name Jeff")
15 Aug 2020
1# Python 3
3txt = input("Type something to test this out: ")
5# Note that in version 3, the print() function
6# requires the use of parenthesis.
7print("Is this what you just said? ", txt)
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that reads user data from the keyboard is calledhow to fetch python inputhow to take user input pythonfunction input in pythonhow to make input in pythonhow to read from input pythonget values from user pythonhow does input work in pythonsockets library multi user with select pythontake input in pythoninput a user in pythonhow to take user input in pythoninput 28 29 python typeuser input pyton3input output pythonhow to specify the input of a function in pythonget keyboard input pythontake an input pythontake input in python 3how to take value from user in pythonpython imputinput into variable pythontakinf inout in pythoninput in function pythontake input from the user in python geeksforgeekshow to enter vaule in form using pythonhow to take inputs pythongetting input from html to pythonhow to get a string from the user in pthonpython capture inputpython get user inputhow to read user input in pythonpython user input for functioninput tag types pythonpython on inputhow read input in 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input from user python input from user in pythoninput what is your name pythoninpout in pythonpython user input textpython do inputinpute pythonpython propmt for user inputask user for iput in pythonsyntax for input pythoninput code pythonpython enteruser input with pythoninput python org apython accept usr inputinput python 2cto take input in pythonhow to make a get user input in pythonread value from user in pythonhow do you use input in pythonhow to input a function in pythoninput syntax python 3how to input something in pythonhow to use user input in pythonhow to get inputin pythonwhat is input in pythonhow to give user input using pythonreading inputs in pythonpythoon inputhow input works in pythonhow to take a input in pythoninput methods in python how take input in pythonpython program that uses user inputhow to do user input pythonpython use inputtake in first input pythonhow to take a string input in pythonhow to write input statement in pythonpyhton ask for inputinput in 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python as functioninput 3d pythonhow to get input from pythonhow to code input in pythonusers input in pythonpython read inputhow to input user data in pythonreading user input with pythonhow to make python inputtake inputs in pythonhow to tke input in pythonread input pythonpython text input commandwhat does 7b 2a 2ainput 7d mean in pythonhow take input from user in pythonhtml input pythoninputs pythonhow to use user imput in pythonpython take an inputget input 28 29 functionpython script inputinput in pyhow to take input from user using function in pythonwhat is user input in pythoninput user in pythinhow to make get user input in pythongive user input in pythoninput 28 in pythonask for input pythonhow to scan an input in pythonhow to embed a function statement to an input in python 3python input 28python use user input as codeaccept input in pythonpython getting inputhow to get dynamic input in pythonhow to get user input in pythonhow to form an input in pythonwrite line with your 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in pythoninput 28 29 in python 2how to do an input in pythonpython how to get data entered by userpython get input how to take input variable in pythonpython code for user inputpython input functionmpython how to get user input without inputkeyboard input pythonuser input oij pythonmhow to take input puythonpython calculate inputhow to get the input function in pythonwhy does python return what the user inputwhat does input 28 29 do in pythonpython 2f enterfunction to take input in pythonpytho inputhow to take an input of string in pythoninput string in python 3python script read inputpython input functionpython input runtimehow to use an input in python functionpython inputpython how to gegt inputhow to take input from pythonlogin inputsyntax in w3 schoolspython user inutprogram to take input in pythonreading input in pythonwhat is input pythonways to get input in pythonhow to take input inside function in pythoninput syntax pythonpython read user inputpython input 28 29how to get python inputinput html 2b pythonhow to use input in pythonhow to receive input from user in pythonfunction input function pythonprompt 28 29 pythonhow to take input with pytonhow to receive user input in pythonenter user input pythonpython return inputpython get input