python get script path

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showing results for - "python get script path"
01 Sep 2016
1import os
2def GetScriptPath():
3    return os.path.realpath(__file__);
17 Apr 2018
13 Apr 2017
1from pathlib import Path
3current_file: Path = Path(__file__).resolve()
14 Sep 2019
1import os
10 Mar 2017
1# Python program get current working directory using os.getcwd()
3# importing os module
4import os
6# Get the current directory path
7current_directory = os.getcwd()
9# Print the current working directory
10print("Current working directory:", current_directory)
12# Get the script path and the file name
13foldername = os.path.basename(current_directory)
15scriptpath = os.path.realpath(__file__)
16# Print the script file absolute path
17print("Script file path is : " + scriptpath)
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