python gui designer

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showing results for - "python gui designer"
15 Oct 2017
1from tkinter import *
2import time
4Student_forum.title("student form")
7Roll_ask = Label(Student_forum,text="Roll Number")
9Roll = Entry()
12name_ask = Label(Student_forum,text = "Name")
14Name = Entry(Student_forum)
17age_ask = Label(Student_forum,text = "Age")
19age = Entry()
21def submit():
22    if Roll.get() == "":
23        error = Label(Student_forum,text = "Please fill Roll section roll section can't remain blank")
24        error.pack()
25    elif Name.get() == "":
26        error2 = Label(Student_forum ,text="Please fill your name in name section it  can't e remain blank")
28        error2.pack()
29    elif age.get() == "":
30        error3 = Label(Student_forum,text="fill age section first")
31        error3.pack()
32    else:
33        get_data = open("student_details.txt","r")
34        get_data2 =
35        if Roll.get() in get_data2:
36            Label2 = Label(Student_forum,text="You are already added in the list")
37            Label2.pack()
38        else:
39            steps = "Your name is " + Name.get() + " and your age is " + age.get()
41            submit_out = Label(Student_forum,text = steps)
42            submit_out.pack()
43            txt_file = open("student_details.txt","a+")
44            txt_file.writelines(str(("Roll number="+Roll.get()+" Name= "+Name.get()+" Age="+age.get()+"\n")))
45            txt_file.close()
46            do = Label(Student_forum,text="Now you are added in the list of students")
47            do.pack()
49def clear():
50    Roll.delete(0,"end")
51    Name.delete(0,"end")
52    age.delete(0,"end")
53Button1 = Button(Student_forum,text="Submit Form",command=submit)
55Button2 = Button(Student_forum,text="Clear",command=clear)
30 Apr 2019
1from tkinter import *
3def changel():
4    if l['text']!='Stop it!':
5        l['text']='Stop it!'
6    else:
7        l['text']='Are you over?'
9w = Tk()
10l = Label(w,text = 'GUI Interface')
11b = Button(w,text = 'A normal button',command = changel )
12t = w.title('A normal window')
16 Mar 2020
1$ pip install wxpython
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