python init

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showing results for - "python init"
07 Oct 2017
1class Computer:
2    def __init__(self):
3 ("Pankaj")
4        self.age= 28
6c2=Computer() "Garg"
26 Oct 2019
1The __init__ function serves two main purposes. 
2The first is its used as a tool to pass 
3arguments inside of it but the difference is you can spread those
4arguments to other functions located in the same class. 
5To do this you would place the word (self.) keyword in another function 
6followed by the arguments name. This allows the argument to be spread 
7down to that function. 
8The second purpose is it allows you to pass arguments to a 
9class when calling the class. Without this function inside the class
10when you call the class no arguments would be able to go inside getting
11nothing in return.
24 Apr 2017
1class Person:
2  def __init__(self, name, age):
3 = name
4    self.age = age
6p1 = Person("John", 36) // Object definition
25 Oct 2018
1class Person:
2	def __init__(self, name):
3 = name
02 Apr 2020
1# If you are familiar with C++ or Java think of the __init__ method as a constructor.
2# It is the method that is being called when the class is called.In the following
3# example we will see how we can call the __init__ method
5my_variable = MyClass()
03 Jan 2017
1class Rectangle:
2   def __init__(self, length, breadth, unit_cost=0):
3       self.length = length
4       self.breadth = breadth
5       self.unit_cost = unit_cost
6   def get_area(self):
7       return self.length * self.breadth
8   def calculate_cost(self):
9       area = self.get_area()
10       return area * self.unit_cost
11# breadth = 120 units, length = 160 units, 1 sq unit cost = Rs 2000
12r = Rectangle(160, 120, 2000)
13print("Area of Rectangle: %s sq units" % (r.get_area()))
queries leading to this page
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