python loop through list

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27 Apr 2016
1fruits = ["apple", "banana", "strawberry"]
3for fruit in fruits:
4  print(fruit)
5  #This "for fruit in fruits" gets every item in order from that list and does something with it
6  #for example I print the fruit
7  #note: This loop will only end when there aren't any items left in the list
8  		 #example: After strawberry there isn't anything else soo the loop ends
9#output: apple
10		 #banana
11  		 #stawberry
18 Aug 2019
1list = [1, 3, 6, 9, 12] 
3for i in list: 
4    print(i) 
26 Jan 2016
1list = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] 
3# with index   
4for index, item in enumerate(list): 
5    print (item, " at index ", index)
7# without index
8for item in list:
9  	print(item)
27 Jun 2019
1foo = ['foo', 'bar']
2for i in foo:
3  print(i) #outputs 'foo' then 'bar'
4for i in range(len(foo)):
5  print(foo[i]) #outputs 'foo' then 'bar'
6i = 0
7while i < len(foo):
8  print(foo[i]) #outputs 'foo' then 'bar'
01 Apr 2018
1# Python code to iterate over a list
2list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
4# Method 1: Using "var_name in list" syntax
5# Pro: Consise, easily readable
6# Con: Can't access index of item
7for item in list:
8  print(item)
10# Method 2: Using list indices
11# Pro: Can access index of item in list
12# Con: Less consise, more complicated to read
13for index in range(len(list)-1):
14  print(list[index])
16# Method 3: Using enumerate()
17# Pro: Can easily access index of item in list
18# Con: May be too verbose for some coders
19for index, value in enumerate(list):
20  print(value)
05 Feb 2017
1lst = [10, 50, 75, 83, 98, 84, 32]
3for x in range(len(lst)): 
4    print(lst[x]) 
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through loop in list pythonlist iteration pythonpython iterate over listpython how to loop a listpython while on listpython loop though each listhow to perform and over entire list pythonhow to niterate over values in a list pythoncant loop through list pythonpython iterating listwhat is use to loop over list in pythonfor loop list python examplepython function for loop listtanh python for arraypython loop in list of listlooping throuhg listloop through array in pythonpython loop by listfor loop list of listslist with loop in pythoniterate through a list of a list of a list in pythonlist loop in pythonwhile i in list pythonloop through an array in pythonpython for in array loopfor loop python arrayfor in list pythonfor i in array python 5bfor loop in list 5dhow to iterate through list while iterating through a listpython iterate 28 27dhruvesh 27 2c 29iterate through a listfor python in listhow to iterate with list in pythonhow to iterate over list in pythonloops in arrays python array from for loop pythonhow do i iterate through a list of listslooping through list pythonlooping through listsloop each element listpython loop thru listcan you loop through a list in pythonloop items in list pythonpython loop over arraypython loop through length of listpython traversing a list using for loophow to iterate over list of listswrite a python program with for loop to iterate over a list using range 28 29python for loop for an array in a function callloop a list pythontraversing list in pythoniterating through arrays in pythoncreate array for loop pythoniterate over lists in listing for loop results as list pythonlooping through list in pythonmethods to iterate over the list in pythonloop in a list pythonpython iterate with a list of funtionspython list example for looppython for loop print arrayfor loop to print a list in pythonloop through all list elementspython for each in arrayrunning loop in listloop through list python but every 4 th elementhow to iterate through elements in a list pythonpython iterate list of functionsfor loop and list in pythoniterate through array of elements pythonloop in list in oythonfor loop python 3 listfor in list pythoniterating list of list in pythoniterate in python arrayfor loop in python arrayarray of string in python using loophow to loop through list of lists in pythonlooping over a list pythonfor loop for a list in pythonpython3 list for looplist iterate in pythonloop on list for pythonfor loop in a list in pythonloop og list in pythonpython create array with loopgo through list in pythonpython iterate thorugh arraypython for each in a listhow to create a cycled array pythoncreate functions in python and iterate through listloop from a listprint the integer of the iterator in a list python 3iterating over a listloop in lists pythonpython for loop syntax for each element in listfor loop over a list in pythonhow to iterate from list pythonpython iterate through list of listhow to iterate over a list of strings in 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pythonhow to iterate listpython for loop list exampleiterate through list pythonpython loops listloop list in pythonmake a list using for loop in python python for loop read each listpython list iterator for loop array infor loop pythonpython write iterate in listhow to iterate list of list in pythoniterating a list in pythonloop through a list of string pythonpython create a function that iterate over listhow to use lists and loops in pythinfor loop python in listpython while loop through listhow to iterate through a list of lists in pythonlooping in the list in pythonloop through some elements list pythonprint list inside for loop pythonlist of list for loop pythonpython how to iterate through a listpython for loops with listsfor loop pything listhow to apply for loop on list in pythonpython loop over a listhow to loop through number array in pythonpythin iterate over list for loopiterate through a vecotr in pythonpython loop throug listhow to use a while to eterate through a 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iterate on list in pythonhow to call a list in for loop in pythonhow to loop through files in a listiterate over list in looppython for each list elementfor loop in python to iterate array 2f list python list iterate for loop in a functioniterate over enumerate listpython for loop through list of listsiterate item in the listiterate through every element in the list for loop pythonfor in listpython loop list arrayfor loop python for arrayfor loop throuigh list on specific elementfor loop through list pythonmake a for loop a list in pythonloop in the list in pythonlist function with loop pythonpython3 iterate thru a listpython for items in listhow to run for loop on list in pythontraversing the elements in list pythonlooping through an array pythonfor loop based on listwhile elem in list pythonloop create list pythoniterate through list of integers pythonhow to iterate list in python in a loopcreate an array with python for loopiterate in a list usinf for pythonloop arr pythonhow to iterat througha list in a for statemtn pythonpython define function to iterate a list of numbersloop through array of functions pytohonfor loop on a list in python 5chow to loop through a list to find stock names pythondifferent ways to loop through list in pythonhow to traverse list of list in pythonhow to loop through maphow to loop trough an array pythonhow to loop a list pythonforeach array pythonloop for list pythoncreate new array in loop pythonfor loop to make array pythonloop through arra pythonfor loop in array pythonsurf throught list index pythonpython check in list loopfor loop from a listlists for loop pythonpython list iteration exampleiterate over a list in pythonpython list for loopfor loop on array pythonhow to loop through array pythonhow to iterate through a list in a print statement in pythonlist in python using for loophow to iterate through specific parts of a list pythonfor looping in a lisstpython for loop with a list contqaininghow do you iterate a list pythonpython how to loop through a listhow to itterate through a list in python using leniterate thru list pythoniterate over elements in list pythonloop for in array pythongo through each element in a listcreate function in python and iterate through listhow to loop through an array inside an array pythontaek in array name loop through in pythonpython loop over a list in a list of listshow to cycle through a list in pythinhow to iterate the arraylist in pythonloop through otthon listfor loop a list in pythonpy loop over listiterate list of list in pythonbest way to loop through a list pythoniterate through array pythonloop on list pythonlooping in a listlist how to iterate through content pythonstore for loop values in array pythonfor and list in pythonfor x in array pythonlooping through arrays in pythonfor loop in py of list numstraverse list pythononly iterate through half of list pythongo through a list once pythonwant to iterate through part of a list pythonpython list in for 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