python moving average pandas

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showing results for - "python moving average pandas"
22 May 2019
1df['pandas_SMA_3'] = df.iloc[:,1].rolling(window=3).mean()
14 May 2020
1#Creating a 100 day moving average from 'Close Price' column
2df['Close Price'].rolling(100).mean()
26 May 2017
1df['MA'] = df.rolling(window=5).mean()
4#             Value    MA
5# Date                   
6# 1989-01-02   6.11   NaN
7# 1989-01-03   6.08   NaN
8# 1989-01-04   6.11   NaN
9# 1989-01-05   6.15   NaN
10# 1989-01-09   6.25  6.14
11# 1989-01-10   6.24  6.17
12# 1989-01-11   6.26  6.20
13# 1989-01-12   6.23  6.23
14# 1989-01-13   6.28  6.25
15# 1989-01-16   6.31  6.27
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