python multiply 2 variables

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21 Feb 2019
1Multiply two integer numbers
3num1=int(input("Enter the first number: "))
4#input value for variable num1
5num2=int(input("Enter the second number: "))
6#input value for variable num2
8#perform multiplication operation
9print("the product of given numbers is: ",mul)
10#display the product
12When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results
13Enter the first number: 23
14Enter the second number is: 32
15the product of the given numbers is 736
30 Feb 2017
1# multiplication of two or more numbers
2def multiple(*a):
3    result = 1
4    for i in a:
5        result = result * i
6    return result
9# insert any number of arguments for multiplication, example:
10res = multiple(12, 2, 5)
12# In this example, code output is = 120
22 Nov 2016
1num1 = "2" # first variable
2num2 = "2" # second variable
3output = num1*num2 # multiplied number
5# Optional: print multiplied number
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