python palindrome program

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13 Aug 2020
1n = input("Enter the word and see if it is palindrome: ") #check palindrome
2if n == n[::-1]:
3    print("This word is palindrome")
5    print("This word is not palindrome")
02 May 2019
1>>> def isPalindrome(s):
2    ''' check if a number is a Palindrome '''
3    s = str(s)
4    return s == s[::-1]
6>>> def generate_palindrome(minx,maxx):
7    ''' return a list of Palindrome number in a given range '''
8    tmpList = []
9    for i in range(minx,maxx+1):
10        if isPalindrome(i):
11            tmpList.append(i)
13    return tmpList
15>>> generate_palindrome(1,120)
17[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111]
21 May 2019
6for i in s:
7    c=c+1
8for j in range(c):
9    if temp[v]==s[c-1]:
10        c=c-1
11        v=v+1
12        flag=1
13    else:
14        flag=0
15if flag==1:
16    print("p")
17elif flag==0:
18     print("no")
16 Jun 2018
1#A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward.
2#Ex: madam or racecar.
4a=input("Enter you string:\n")
6if w==w[::-1]: # w[::-1] it will reverse the given string value.
7	print("Given String is palindrome")
9	print("Given String is not palindrome")
01 Nov 2016
1n = input("Enter the word and see if it is palindrome: ") #check palindrome
2if n == n[::-1]:
3    print("This word is palindrome")
5    print("This word is not palindrome")
6    print("franco")
10 Apr 2017
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