python primality test

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showing results for - "python primality test"
17 Jun 2016
1# Time Efficient Primality Check in Python
3def primeCheck(n):
4    # 0, 1, even numbers greater than 2 are NOT PRIME
5    if n==1 or n==0 or (n % 2 == 0 and n > 2):
6        return "Not prime"
7    else:
8        # Not prime if divisable by another number less
9        # or equal to the square root of itself.
10        # n**(1/2) returns square root of n
11        for i in range(3, int(n**(1/2))+1, 2):
12            if n%i == 0:
13                return "Not prime"
14        return "Prime"
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