python print dict pretty

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15 Apr 2018
1>>> import json
2>>> print json.dumps({'a':2, 'b':{'x':3, 'y':{'t1': 4, 't2':5}}},
3...                  sort_keys=True, indent=4)
5    "a": 2,
6    "b": {
7        "x": 3,
8        "y": {
9            "t1": 4,
10            "t2": 5
11        }
12    }
06 Feb 2020
1import pprint
3student_dict = {'Name': 'Tusar', 'Class': 'XII', 
4     'Address': {'FLAT ':1308, 'BLOCK ':'A', 'LANE ':2, 'CITY ': 'HYD'}}
6print student_dict
7print "\n"
8print "***With Pretty Print***"
9print "-----------------------"
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