python print text

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showing results for - "python print text"
19 Jul 2017
1print("Hello, World!") #Output: Hello, World!
3print(5+5) # Output:10
7print(x+y) #Output: 21
19 Sep 2016
1print ("Example")
14 Feb 2018
1print("The text you want to print")
30 Apr 2016
1# To print text on a screen you need to use the print function
2# Example:
3>>> print('Hello, world!')
4Hello, world!
5# You can change Hello, world! to I am learning python!
6>>> print('I am learning python!')
7I am learning python!
8# If you want to print a variable you can put the variable name
9# in the function
10a = 'I am text'
12I am text
13# You can also print expressions like this
14print(5 * 7)
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