python remove empty string from list

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showing results for - "python remove empty string from list"
01 Jan 2020
1def compact(lst):
2    return list(filter(None, lst))
4compact([0, 1, False, 2, '', 3, 'a', 's', 34])     # [ 1, 2, 3, 'a', 's', 34 ]
01 Sep 2018
1without_empty_strings = [string for string in a_list if string != ""]
24 Jun 2020
1list2 = filter(None, list1)
10 Feb 2017
1[name for name in starring if name.strip()]
24 Jan 2018
2This is a classic python3 doh!.
4A filter is a special iterable object you can iterate over. However, much like a generator, you can iterate over it only once. So, by calling list(people2), you are iterating over each element of the filter object to generate the list. At this point, you've reached the end of the iterable and nothing more to return.
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