python return index of second match

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showing results for - "python return index of second match"
26 Mar 2020
1# Example usage:
2your_list = ['The answer to', 'the ultimate question', 'of life', 
3     'the universe', 'and everything', 'is 42']
5[idx for idx, elem in enumerate(your_list) if 'universe' in elem][0]
6--> 3 # The 0-based index of the first list element containing "universe"
02 Oct 2018
1# Basic syntax using list comprehension:
2[i for i, n in enumerate(your_list) if n == condition][match_number]
3# Where:
4#	- This setup makes a list of the indexes for list items that meet
5#		the condition and then match_number returns the nth index
6#	- enumerate() returns iterates through your_list and returns each
7#		element (n) and index value (i)
9# Example usage:
10your_list = ['w', 'e', 's', 's', 's', 'z','z', 's']
11[i for i, n in enumerate(your_list) if n == 's'][0]
12--> 2
13# 2 is returned because it is the index of the first element that
14#	meets the condition (being 's')
05 May 2018
1# Basic syntax:
2list.index(element, start, end) 
3# Where:
4#	- Element is the item you're looking for in the list
5# 	- Start is optional, and is the list index you want to start at
6#	- End is option, and is the list index you want to stop searching at
8# Note, Python is 0-indexed
10# Example usage:
11my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 42, 9, 10]
13--> 8
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