python save figure

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showing results for - "python save figure"
06 Oct 2019
1# Basic syntax:
4# Example usage:
5import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
8plt.savefig("~/Documents/figure.png", dpi=300)
17 Oct 2016
1In [5]: plt.savefig('books_read.png')
16 Nov 2016
16 Mar 2018
18 Oct 2016
1#where to save the figures
3CHAPTER_ID = "classification"
4IMAGES_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR, "images", CHAPTER_ID)
5os.makedirs(IMAGES_PATH, exist_ok = True)
7def save_fig(fig_id, tight_layout=True, fig_extension="png", resolution=300):
8    path = os.path.join(IMAGES_PATH, fig_id + "." + fig_extension)
9    print("Saving figure", fig_id)
10    if tight_layout:
11        plt.tight_layout()
12    plt.savefig(path, format=fig_extension, dpi=resolution)
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