python selenium web scraping example

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showing results for - "python selenium web scraping example"
27 Aug 2016
1#Python example - use chrome driver to open google url and enter into search bar "Why is python so awesome"
3#required imports
4from selenium import webdriver
5from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
7#open driver
8PATH_TO_DRIVER = './chromedriver'
9driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=PATH_TO_DRIVER)
11#launch url using driver
14#find element to manipulate e.g. by element name. 'q' is the element name of the google search bar
15element = driver.find_element_by_name('q')
17#write text into search bar
18element.send_keys('Why is python so awesome')
20#simulates 'Enter' key
queries leading to this page
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