python set

Solutions on MaxInterview for python set by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "python set"
30 Apr 2019
1# You can't create a set like this in Python
2my_set = {} # ---- This is a Dictionary/Hashmap
4# To create a empty set you have to use the built in method:
5my_set = set() # Correct!
8set_example = {1,3,2,5,3,6}
12# {1,3,2,5,6} ---- Sets do not contain duplicates and are unordered
11 Jan 2019
1>>> A = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};
2>>> B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
4>>> print("Union :", A | B)  
5Union : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8}
7>>> print("Intersection :", A & B)
8Intersection : {2, 4}
10>>> print("Difference :", A - B)
11Difference : {0, 8, 6}
13# elements not present both sets
14>>> print("Symmetric difference :", A ^ B)   
15Symmetric difference : {0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8}
31 Jun 2017
1The simplest way to create set is:
21. from list
4	s = [1,2,3]
5	set = set(s)
6	print(set)
82. s,add() method
10	set.add(1)
11	set.add(2)
12	set.remove(2)
13	print(set)  // 1
153. Set conatins unique elements
02 Feb 2018
1# A set contains unique elements of which the order is not important
2s = set()
7# Can also be created from a list (or some other data structures)
8num_list = [1,2,3]
9set_from_list = set(num_list)
08 Jun 2018
1# Create a set
2seta = {5,10,3,15,2,20}
3# Or
4setb = set([5, 10, 3, 15, 2, 20])
6# Find the length use len()
18 Jul 2020
1set_example = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5}
6# {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ----- Does not print repetitions
queries leading to this page
exclusion set pythondeclare set in pythonpython get element from setwhat set 28 29 does in pythonhow to do set in pythonpython len 28setpython set exampleitem in python setset object pythonhow to access an element of a set in pythonmethods of sets in pythonhow to read elements of set in pythonoperations on python setshow to initialize a set in pythonset 28 29 and get 28 29 in pythonnumber of items in set pythonpython logical operators on a setgetting the length of a set in pytonwhat built in function returns then ubmer of items in a setcreate a python setpython sets valuesin set pythonmembership tests sets pythoncreating sets in pythonindexing sets in python 3for item in set pythoncreate set in pythonset 0 pythonhow to get len of set in pythonhandling set 27s in pythonlist tuple dictionary set in python w3schoolspython should you use set operators or set functionsset in pythopython module setsset operator pythonhow to use set in pythonmake a set in pythonget length of a set pythonhow to set values in pythonsety pythonwhat does set 28 29 do in pythonpython set operationhow to store sets in sets in pythonis set iterable in pythonseach set pythonnot in a set pythonpython set 28 29get the length of a set pythonsets en pythonset in pythopnset intersection python subhow to add a set to a set in pythonpython 2 set of objectspythons setset 28 29 pythonwhy would you use sets in pythonset in pytghonfind in set in pythonset in pythion 3python how to find set same itemspython list set 28 29set operators in pythonprint set in pythonpython using unique setswhat does set function do in pythonhow to print 1 element of set in pythonwhat is the set in pythonpython seethow to make a python sethow to use python setspython input a sethow to get length of a set in pythonpython to setsets methods pythonprint values in setsearch in set pythonset pyhonmake a set with for in pythonwhat does the set function do in pythonpython set has commonpython use of a setset of set python3set python 2bsetter pythonset find pythonwhat does the set do in pythonset operations pythonset how to get value on pythonnew set python 5e for set in pythonwhat is python setswhats set 28 29 in python 3fa 3dset 28a 29 pythonset 28 29 in pythonpython set of setce este u set pythonset representation in pythonoperation of sets in pythonset object in pythonwhen to use a set in pythonpython set concat mutablepython 3 set 28 5b 5d 29set pythoset in pythonsexample of set 28 29 in pythonhow to create a set pythonpython 7b 7d setsearch in a set pythonif set pythonset 28 29 function in pythonpy if any el of set a is in set bhow to find the number is set in pythonwhat does in sets mean in pythonhow to crate python setcan you have a set of sets in pythonpython is element in setpython set how to find out how many element in set in pythonset length in pythoncreate set with input pythonhow to find no of elements in a set in pythonwhat is set pythonpython access a setget first item from set pythonelements in set pythonwhat can be sets used for in pythoncount number of elements in set pythonusing set in pythonpython set helppython set has functionwhy python sets are unorderedset contains python 3d set 28 29 pythonhow to define a set in pythonhow to get the value of set in pythonptython setpython get length of setset 28 29 python 3example of set in pythonaccess items in set pythonset 281 2c2 29 5b2 5d pythonpython print setpython ste 28 29set pythonewhat are python sets used forhow use set in pythonis set compared based on number of elements in pythonpython what are setshow to declare a set pythonset pythnopython build in set classvalue 3d set 28 29 pythonset 28a 29 in pythonpython 26python create set to setsets with list as elements in pythonset elements pythonpython set classpython set data structureset phythonset python 5euding set in pythonpython len setstring 5bi 5d 3a set 28 29 pythonx 26 y set operations in pythonpython stesetss pythonpython working with setswhat are python setshow to make python setfirst element of set pythonpython get size of setprint elements of a set pythonset 28 29 pythonaccessing elements of set in pythondefinition of a set in pythonset operators pythonset all pythonget a for i in a set 28 29 pythonpython super setset 28 29 in python3python set check membershipsets with order in pythonall python setsset membership test in python how to use sets in pythonimplement a set in pythonset find pythonset python iterable 3ffind in set pythonwhat is a built in set class pythonpython in one set not in other setsize of a set pythonce este un set pythonpython length set objectlen of item in set 3d 3d set pythonupdate 2f union setssets methods in pythonset 26 pythonhow to read set in pythonset in pytho 2csets in python 27py length of setpython find set where element isusing python setsdeclare stet in pythonhow to call values from a set in pythonpython set 3d countprinting a set in pythonsets metghods in pythonset in pythomsets examples in pythonhow to use setpython set in clude in setget length of set pythoninitialize set pythonconstructing set in pythonsets python 3set 28 29 in pythonpython class 2c setoperations on sets pythonadding set to another set pythonpython how does set workmakke new set pythonpyton setpython set size calculation numbersinitializing a set in pythonprint value of set pythonsset in python 7c set operation pythonset len pythonhow to return a set in pythonlength of setin python setpython set declarationpython set getoperations with sets pythonwhen to use sets in pythonset value pythonset python functionset structures pycreate sets using pythonto set pythonset elemetns pythonset contains pythonlist set in pythonpython operations in setspython list set 7c 3d set pythonpython built in set functionspython set 2b setset 28 29 function pythonunique among 3 sets in pythonhow are sets implemented in pythonpython add set to setpython in with set set in pythonpython set meanhow to access items in a set pythonset in pythgonpython using setshow to find length of set in pythonset funtions in pythonhow to set pythonmake a set pythoncreate set python 3set pythunordered set pythonwhats is a set in pythonusing set 28 29 in pythonhow to create a set in pytonpython set of sets examplespython set methodcomparison operators and sets pythonsyntax a belong to b in pythonset 282 29 in pythonhow to declare a set with int pyhongetting items of a set pythonhow to call items in a set in p 5bythonnot included in set symbol pythonhow to find length of setset get element python 26 in set in pythonset in python 27python search setdeclare a set pythonwhat does a set do in pythonpython set unchanged input datausing setwhat 27s the set in pythonpython 3a is in setset plus pythonpython sets andset sign in pythondefine set pythonpython working with sets of dataset 28 29 string in pythonsets python lengthpython set pythonset print all elements pythonpython setpy for in setfind an item in set pythonpython create setpython set 28set set pythonaccess an elemtn of set in pythonpython set to position vs value in pythonset pythonssetpython 3get element from set in pythonpython sets functionsset 28 29python set is inpython set 7c operatorpytyhon setpython set notationsets in python programmingset 26 set pythonsets in python3python object in set containsset item pythondeclaring a set in pythonpython set siz calculation numbersvalid functions and methods used with sets include the following except group of answer choices remove 28 29 add 28 29 union 28 29 insert 28 29take input for set in pythonaccess valuesif set pythonsets with sets pythonset 28 29 python methodspy setlength of set pythoninitialize set in python with for loopset difference python return indexsets pythoonpython len of setefficiency of s set in pythonpython set 2cwhat is a python setaccess set ypthoninput as set in pythonpython sets with partial object elementsset operation pythonhow to use sets in python 3what does set look like in pythonpython set values from applicationhow to acces a set in pyhtonpython setr 5econtains function python setfirst item of set pythonfunction of set 28 29 in pythonptyhon setpython set creationhow to get one element from set pythonis set in pythonset in ythonprint a set in pythonusing set python arrayset intersection python symbolhow to create set pythonget from set pythonlength of set pythonset ptyhhonsets operation pythonoperation by sets pythonget an element from set pythonget element from set pythonwhat are sets in pythonhow to initialize set in pythonsize set pythonpython how to get contents of setpy set someelement in set pythonpython set get 7c in sets of pythonget length of setpython hashsetset pythhonhow to get items in a set in pythonprint set items pythonprint set valuespython why using sets set operations in pythoncount of elements in set pythonsets in set python sets pythonhowto create a set in pythonset and pythonhow to find length of a setdo python have setprint out a set pythonadd 5 sets to a listset 28 29pythonset python3what is teh use of sets in pythoncount set pythonpython set lenpython set defineget first item in set pythonset exclude pythonhow to print individual elements of a set in pythonacessing a setjavascript setswhat is a set in pythonpython set union with another setpython fun c3 a7 c3 a3o set 28 29 2a 2aset in pythonpython 2b setget set without element pythoncount set lenght pythonset in pythoninclude something in a set pythonpython setfind size of set in pythonnwhat does a set do in pytohnhow to use a set in pythonunordered pythonfunction in set in pythonpython setterwhat is python setpython program to create a setsets operations pythonpython set sameprint values of set pythonperpose of set in pythonhow to use set 28 29 in pythonall about sets in pythonpython sets methodsif a and b are sets which is a valid set operationset python 3is set pythonset function in pythonpy set some 28 29python get value in sethow are sets ordered pythonpython set calcutionsset find in pythnopython documentation sethow to create a set in operations of set in pythoncontained in set pythonpython sets usesset a 2b set b pythonwhy use set in pythonget item in set pythonwork with sets in pythonwhat is set function in pythonhow to write a set in pythonpython get any item from setwhat is a set pythohow to create sets in pythonpython set pluspython set 7b 7dset keys pythonwhat to do with sets in pythonhow to declare set in pythonset example python contains python setget set pythonset in ptonfor i in set pythonhow to make set pythonprint sets in pythonlength of set methods pythoncontrast with intersection 28 29 pythonset operations using pythonget element in set pythonpython all items in set in comminuse of set in pythonhow to find length of set in pythonwhat is set 28 29 in python 3fcreate new set pythonhow to make a set in pythonsets library pythonpython set findare sets an unordered data type in pythonwhat is a set in python 3fpython 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pythpnpython set si 3ce 5e with set in pythonpython element in setcalculate changes in set pythonhow to take set as input in pythonset mehtonds pyton 7b 7d setin pythonlength of a set pythonlength of set object pythonsets operations in pythonpython get object from setfunctions begin with set in pythonpython set get elementpython length of a setwhy python setspython type setpython set andsetss examples in pythonpython set 27 26 27get length of set in pythonlength of set in pythonset 28 5b 5d 29 pythonaccess set in pythonwaht is set in pythoncreate a set pythonuse of sets in pythonhow to get a value from a set pythonpython set 28x 29why use set pythonsets in pythonpython set 7b 27 27 7dset 7c set pythonhow to use set in python to store numberspython docs setspytjon setpython find length of sethow does set 28 29 work pythonpython set on setset python lenmake set pythonwhat data types can be members of sets pythonpython set operation 26 in set pythonoperations on set in pythonproperties of set in pythonpython when to use set 3fpython set extendpython how to get element from setadd to set pythonset 26 in pythoninput into setspython set implementationcreate python setsearchin in sets of pythonpython ceate set and add item inside looppython adding setsset in python 3 7python access element in setcan we print a set in pythonset in python operationsdo a set pythonfind length of a set in pythonpython what does set douusing python setscheck size of python setcheck set in set pythonpython3 setshow to access sets in pythonpython set and orhow to create a set in pythonpython 26 26how to find the length of setpython set subsetdefine a set in pythonpython set printset 28 29 python functionsets with pythonhow are sets defined in pythonpython set a setare sets immutable in pythonfind lenght f set pythonpython setessets arithmetic pythonset in pytonwhat is a set in pythonwhat are sets used for in pythonvarious set operations in pythonpython to set 28 29set commands pythonset 28 29 pyset 28 29 in python 3why use python setspython3 setpython set 28 29 examplepython get value sethow do denote a set in pythonto set in pythonhow to get the length of a set in pythonuse set in pythonways of creating a set in pythonpython make a setproperties of a set in pythondefine a set pythonpython set functionsets python examplepython how to declare a setoperators for python setspython what does set method dowhat does set do in pythonhow to create sets pythonpython set and when do we use itpython set objectpython set can contain what 3fset of set in pythonset iin pythonhow to access set in pythonpython what is a setypython set valueusing a set in pythonpython set of setspython 3 set 28 29python get first element of a setpython what is set set in pythonset for in pythonpython declare set with valuesset python getset add and retirm ser puython set and in python set pythonpython set setset get pythonpython set operationswhy use sets in pythonlenght of set pythonset 3d 28a 2c b 29 set 28 29 in python 5d 5cset python createpython sets 5cpython how do sets determine uniquenessunchangeable set example pypython unordered set like typeoython setwhat is a set member pythonsearch set in pythonhow read content in set using pythonpython initialize set 7c set pythonwhat built in function returns the number of items in a setprinting set in pythonmethods of set in pythonaccessing elements in a set pythonpython set set methods operatorshow to work with set s in pythonlenth of a set pythonpython set function examplehow to make a set pythondenote set in pythonpython a 3dset 28a 29operations on sets in pythonget first element in a set pythonset of set pythonlist of sets to set pythondefine set in pythoncreate a set in pythonpython choose set hashpython how to create a setset python printsetsize sets in pythonlen set python set in pythonpython sets tutorialpython sets not inset in pytohncan sets be keys in pythonfind the length of a setdeclaring set pythonlen of set in pythonmake set in pythonpython sets examplesets function in pythonset size pythonpython what is a setpython method for setset 2b set pythonset cardinality pythonhow to call a set in python 7c in python setspython decalre a setpython3 set operationssize of a set pyhtonwhat do you use set for in pythonpython initialize set with one elementmeaning of set in pythonpython find the length of a seta set pythonproperties of sets in pythonreturn length of the element in a set python 5e in python setssets operation pythonpython what is set 3fpython3 set 7c 3dset python examplepython item in setsets in python functionspython set apipython 3 set 7b 7d sets in pythondeclaring set in pythonuse of sets in python programmingpython set 28 29python sets 26 setshow to check the size of a set pythoncreate sets python 5e operator on set pythonhow to access set elements in pythonpython unordered setwhat are set in pythonacees set values python set ptrhonpython set 28 29 functionset size in pythonadd set to set pythonhow to find length of set pythondefine set pythonset pytyhon set 28 29 in pytnonan example of set in pythionwhen do we use a python setdeclare a set in pythonpython count setindexing sets pythonprint the items that are only in the set a not b pythonkey in set pythonto set 28 29 pythonset operators on collection pythonpython sets 2a 2apython len 28set 29python sets with partial elementshow do sets work in pythonwhen to use set in pythonintersection operator in pythonhow t use set in pythonset 26 set in pythonapis dictionaries and sets in pythonhow to access values in a set in pythonhow to access to sets in pythonsets in python exampleelement checking in set pythonpython set 5e setset theory in pythonset python methodsets functions in pythoncreate set in python 3unions of elements in a collection pythonpython se4tset pyhtoncreate a set of itemsset of pythonget first element from set pythonpython length of setset declaration in pythonset pythonnpython set 28 29 methodare sets in python immutablepython set defina sets in pythonmyset size pythonset in pyhthon set 28 29 in pythonset functions in pythonpython in setpython set explainedset length pythonset pythinunordered set in pythoncalulcate set length pythonset 28 29 pythoncreate set pythonsets order 1 pythonpython set 26set functions pythonpython set opperationsset pyryhonwhats a python setsets in pythonpython calculate same position set 28 29using set operations on listscreate two sets in each set 2c add 5 random numbers between 1 and 10 then 2c print out these two sets 2c the union of these two sets 2c and the intersection of these two sets python are sets iterable pythonprebuilt set in pythonwhy use a set pythonelement from set pythonpython sets elements occur in x and not in ywhich of these collections defines a set in pythonpython in a setpython set get first elementfunction set python 5e operator on setinitialise set in pythonadd setspython size of setset in pythnonset operaions in pythonlength of python setuse a set in pythonsymbol for set pythonpython append setpython sets documentationwhat set does in pythonpython set plus other setset characteristics in pythonpython add setpython get set lengthset 28 29 method pythonhow to print a set in from pythonset contains an element pythoprint set values in pythonhow to create a new set pythonset theory program in pythonhow do you create a set in pythonset pythgingets and sets in pythonfind length of set pythonpython set 26 setset methoidfs to set pythonpython set reference an example of set in pythonpython set theoryset object python 2set method pythonset in a set pythonset 28 29 pyryhondefinition of sets in pythonpython object in setusing python setpyhton sethow to creat a set input in pythonhow to create set in pythonpython set data structure examplepython set definitionhow to search a set in pythonwhat can go in sets pythonpython set methodspzthon setpython how to use set 28 29length set pythonset in python 3 examplepython access from setget all values of a set pythonhow to define sets in pythonwhat does set do in pythonhow to declare a set in pythoboperations in set in pythonpython set has in both gruopsfunctions for sets in pythonset of sets pythondeclare new set pythonsets 28 29 in pythonconstruct a set pythonhow to get a value from a set in pythonpython usage of setswhat is set in pyhtondo a set in pythonpython set 7b 7daccess an element in a set pythonreturn a set in pythonset i pythonaccess element in set pythonset documentation pythonwhy are sets unordered in pythonpython use setdoes python have setspython set 28 5b1 2c2 2c3 5d 29 3d 3d set 28 5b1 2c2 5d 29python set any elementprint elements from set pythonhow to get specific element to sets pythonhow does adding sets work in pythonstore element in set python set python documentationhow to check length of set in pythonreturn elements from a set with a given property pythonwhat is the use of set in pythonsets pythonset python 28 29setsockopt pythonpython docs 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set 22b 22 in pyhtonhow to find no of elements in set pythonpython setpython print size of setset 28a 29 3c set 28b 29 pythonsets un pythonset methods pythonpython declaring setset in python meaning 5csets functions pythonunique set pythonget the value of set pythonhow to access elements of set in pythonset 28 29 built in methodprint set values pytohnpython set setpython using setpython set lengthpython set oprationsoperators on sets pythonmembership in sets pythonpython whent to use setscreating sets and find valueusing sets in pythonpython how to find length of set sets in python arehow do i get the number of items in a python setget value from set in pythonget first element of set pythonlen on set in pythonhow to use less than in set pythonhow to declarea set pythonphyton set functions for set in pythonset declaration python set 28 29 function pythonpython set sizelen function in set pythonset element pythonpython set first elementpython set countpython sets what iswhat is set 28 5b 5d 29in pythonhow to user add set in a definition pythonpython set accesscreate a set in pythnpython x 3d set 28 29tpython length of setlen 28set 29 pythononordered set in pythonsets ans pythonnot in set pythona set in pythonset python not insize of set python python setpython set intersection equal to empty setset member pythonset pytohnpytjonm setpython list of setscheck length of set pythonpython set of stringslen 28set 29 in pythonset 28 29 set 28 29 pythonpython set add with unionhow to use set pytonget length of a setcan you get the size of a set in python 3fpython 3 setsset python all operatorsset in poythonpython how to get item from setpyrthon setwhat is set pythohnpython set functions 7b 25set 25 7d in pythonsearch for element in a set in pythondefining sets in pythonimmutable set in pythonpython 2 7 setaccess set elements pythonin both set a and b pythonwork with sets pythonfind length of set in pythonpython set get sizeusing set for pythonexample for set in pythonprint element in set 5bython setincluded in set symbol in pythonpython set operations w3 schoolsets of sets pythonset pyrhonset python funclength of a set in pythonpython settsubscript set pythonpython set syntaxset in pythionset in pythow to make sets in pythonset operation sin pythonpython get length of a setpython set unorderedset has pythonsets i pythonset operations with pythonhow to use a key in a set pythonset find element pythonhow to set element value in pythonpython using sets and not in or belongs to how to use a set in apython classset pyhtnset is unordered in pythonpython get value from sethow to make a new set in pythonset pythonwhat is set 28 29 in pythonpython create set with elementspython work with sethow to set size in pythonset and its properties in pythonpython for setwhat is the use of set 28 29 in pythoncommand in python to see wheteher set is common or notset values pythonpython set subpython set less thanpython set vs unionpython for x in 7b 7d set python set to collectiondeclaration o f set in pythonset 5e set pythonset operator 7c pythonprint set pythondefine a sets pythonset functions of sets in python set 28 29 method pythonwhen to use a set pythonset elements in pythonpython set inpython set belongs topython how to find a set in a stringhow do i get values from a set pyhtnopython setspython declare setset operations pthonset operations in python to operate on total numbersset in pthonsets in python 3put elements in set python 3set function pythonset python methodspython setssset of sets in python 60acess set pythonin python sets in setspython wht should i use a setprint values of a setpython set mrthodspython size ofsetstes pythonset in pyrthonp 5bython setdeclare set pythonpython element from setpython get values not in setpyhon seta python set of setsset example pythonpython set and operationset ordred pythonwhy we use set in pythonpythonpython set sizepython operations of setshow to print set in pythonpython set 7cpython len of a setclass 27set pythonset of ints pythonpytohn setwhat does set output pythonhow to declare a set in pythonpython set find elementprinting sets in pythonpython set access elementpython sets operationwhy need set in pythonhashset methods in pythonset 28cont 29 pythonset subset pythonget len of set pythonset 3d 3d set pythonpython list setlist 2c set in python areset pythonmpython set hasinitialize set in pythonsize of set in pythonhow to calculate length of set in pythonhow to find elemtns beloning to both sets in pythonhow to declare sets in pythonwhat are sets functions in python python what 27s a setlength of the set in python 26 set python meaningpython set methods 3fpython set methosthe case for use set pythonpython unordered setlen of set pythoncreate a set on pythonlength setpythoncreate a set of sets pythonhow to have set of set in pyhonpython set libraryare python setset in python is 7b 7dinitialize set with values pythonpython what is set 28 29set has pythonset iun pythonnew set python declarationset extend pythoncorrect ways to declare a set in pythonset in python 2 7python set operatorslist set pythonpython 3 set sizespython search in sethow to find the length of set in pythonhow to make a setpython set 2bsetset notation pythoncan you do in set pythoncan a set contain multiple sets pythonfind items in set in pythonset command pythontaking input sets pytjonpython set 3d 3d setpython set 28 29how to get length of setsearch set pythonhow to get the length of set in pythonfind the length of a set in pythonpython set nedirpython set anydefine sey pythonset in python examplepython set createtotal set ways pythonset2 7c set1 pythonhow to represent set in pythonset pythonset and hash difference python 5e in set pythonpython set membership checkputhon sethow to get a value from set in pythonpython set 3d setpython for set inpython make setall of the following are true of a python set except 3a group of answer choices all items must be unique set is unordered elements cannot be of different data types can contain multiple values 2fitemspython create set 28 29python sets operationspytho setpython define setshow to get values from set in pythonpython intersection between sets of objects not workingset operations in pythonhow to print set values in pythonpython sets operations 3fset 28 29 26 set 28 29 pythonhow to initialize a set pythonwhat does 5e in set 28 29 in pythonset operation in pythonsyntax of set in pythona in set pythonhow to define set in pythonhow to search for an element in python settype of operation we perform in python setpython set how to createset pytonpython set numbersis element in a set pythonhow does set work in pythonset operator 5e in pythonreturn set pythonpython list set 28 29how to make set in pythonset methods python using operatorwhats a set pythonhow to access elements in a python setset implementation pythonset xor pythonpithon setpython set with one elementwhat is set 28 29 function in pythonpython get item in setpyton set 28 29count elements in set pythonprint elements of set pythonfunctions of sets in pythonset python containsset relations in pythonpython set itmesis set phythonpython print set valueslength of set pytohnset on pythonwhats is set in puthon 3fset in python 3what does the set method do in pythonpython set 5epython set 5b 3a 5dpython no of element in ssetnot in set python3set in python3set items pythonpython set