python set list index value that doesn 27t exist

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showing results for - "python set list index value that doesn 27t exist"
01 Aug 2016
1def SetList(list_, index, value):
2      try:
3      	  # Try to input the index into the list
4          list_[index] = value
5		  return list_
6      except IndexError:
7          # Create new 'None' items into the list for placeholder
8          for _ in range(index - len(list_) + 1):
9              list_.append(None)
10          # Now that the index has been initialized you can set the
11		  # index the value you want
12          list_[index] = value
13          return list_
15# Use SetList to put the value you want to the index you want in the 
16# specified list
17myList = [0, 1, 2, 3]
18newList = SetList(myList, 7, 10)
20# output: [0, 1, 2, 3, None, None, None, 10]
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