python write to excel

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30 Apr 2017
1from openpyxl import Workbook
3row = 1
4wb = Workbook()
5wb['Sheet'].title = "Report of Automation"
6sh1 =
7sh1['A1'].value = 'Name'
8sh1['B1'].value = 'Status'
9sh1['A2'].value = 'Python'
10sh1['B2'].value = 'Avtive'
11sh1['C1'].value = row
12sh1['C'+str(row)].value = 'test'
14for a in range(5):
15    sh1['A'+str(a+1)].value = a
18 Mar 2016
1from openpyxl import Workbook
3filename = 'Testwriteexcel.xlsx'
4sheettitle = 'Sheetname'
6wb = Workbook()
7wb['Sheet'].title = sheettitle
8sh1 =
9sh1['A1'].value = 'Numbers'
10sh1['B1'].value = 'Sqares'
11sh1['C1'].value = 'Column 3'
13for n in range(1, 1+10):
14    sh1[f'A{1+n}'].value = n
15    sh1[f'B{1+n}'].value = n**2
19except PermissionError:
20    print('File might be opened, please close it before writing')
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