react call component state

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13 Apr 2017
1import React, {Component} from 'react';
2import './App.css';
3import IconBar from './components/icon-bar';
4import Events from './components/events';
6class App() extends Component {
7  constructor(props) {
8        super(props)
9        this.state = {
10            mode: null
11        }
12        this.updateMode = this.updateMode.bind(this);
13    }
15  updateMode = (newMode) => {
17      this.setState({mode: newMode});
18  }
21  return (
22    <div className="App">
23      <h1 className="Title">ENAKS</h1>
24      <IconBar onUpdateMode={this.updateMode}  mode={this.state.mode} />
25      <Events />
26  <div className="mainModeFrame"><p1>{this.state.mode}</p1></div>
27    </div>
28  );
31export default App;
32Add this to your knowledge
27 Jan 2020
1If two components need access to the same state
2they should have a common ancestor where the state is kept.
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