showing results for - "react class and props example"
11 Aug 2017
1import React, { Component } from 'react'
2import './TourList.scss';
3import Tour  from '../Tour/Tour';
4import { tourData } from './tourData';
5export default class TourList extends Component {
6    state={
7        tours:tourData
8    }
9    render() {
10        const {tours}=this.state
13        return (
14            <section className="toulist">
15            {>{
16                return <Tour key={} tour={tour} />;
17            })}
19            </section>
20        )
21    }
25import React, { Component } from 'react';
26import './Tour.scss';
28export default class Tour extends Component {
29    state={
30        showinfo:false,
31        name:""
32    }
33    handleInfo=()=>{
34        this.setState({
35            showinfo:!this.state.showinfo,
36            name:"kumar"
37        })
38    }
39    render() {
40        const {id,city,name,info,img}=this.props.tour
41        return (
42            <div className="grid">
43            <article className="tour">
45               <div className="img-container">
46               <img 
47                src={img}></img>
48                <span className="close-btn">
49                    <i class="fa fa-window-close"></i>
50                </span>
51               </div>
52               <div className="info">
53               <div className="tour-info">
54               <h3>{name}</h3>
55               <h4>{city}</h4>
56               <h5>info{""}
57               <span class="fa fa-caret-square-down" onClick={this.handleInfo}></span></h5>
59               </div>
60               {this.state.showinfo && <p>{info}{}</p>}
62               </div>
64            </article>
65            </div>
66        )
67    }
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