showing results for - "react input number validation"
31 Feb 2019
1// Validation with REGEX
2const rx_live = /^[+-]?\d*(?:[.,]\d*)?$/;
4class TestForm extends React.Component {
5  constructor() {
6    super();
7    this.state = {
8      depositedAmount: ''
9    };
10  }
12  handleDepositeAmountChange = (evt) => {
13    if (rx_live.test(
14        this.setState({ depositedAmount : });
15 }
17  render() {
18    return (
19      <form>
20       <input
21        type="text"
22        id="depositedAmount"
23        maxLength={9}
24        pattern="[+-]?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?"
25        placeholder="Enter amount"
26        onChange={this.handleDepositeAmountChange}
27        value={this.state.depositedAmount}
28       />
29      </form>
30    )
31  }
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