react native run ios not building

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showing results for - "react native run ios not building"
22 Apr 2018
1react-native run-ios --device
3this is for connected devices
6react-native run-ios --simulator="simulator name"
10react-native run-ios --simulator
17 Jan 2018
1follow these steps its working for me
3The platform version in your PodFile 
5should be more then 11.0
8and another main poin create a new file in your ios folder with any name 
10my file rt.swift
13inside file
15//  rt.swift
16//  AwesomeProject
18//  Created by Apple on 05/05/21.
21import Foundation
25after that remove pod folder and podfile.lock file  from ios folder then
29cd ios && pod install && cd .. && yarn ios
queries leading to this page
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