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showing results for - "react native text input mask this props refinput"
02 Jan 2017
1<View style={container}>
2  <Text>Focusing next input</Text>
3  <TextInput
4    value={this.state.name}
5    onChangeText={name => {
6      this.setState({
7        name
8      })
9    }}
10    onSubmitEditing={() => {
11      this._cpfRef.getElement().focus()
12    }}
13    placeholder='Name'
14  />
15  <TextInputMask
16    ref={ref => this._cpfRef = ref}
17    type={'cpf'}
18    value={this.state.cpf}
19    onChangeText={text => {
20      this.setState({
21        cpf: text
22      })
23    }}
24    placeholder='Cpf'
25  />