react redux hooks

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showing results for - "react redux hooks"
07 Sep 2019
1import React from "react";
2import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
3import { addCount } from "./store/counter/actions";
5export const Count = () => {
6  const count = useSelector(state => state.counter.count);
7  const dispatch = useDispatch();
9  return (
10    <main>
11      <div>Count: {count}</div>
12      <button onClick={() => dispatch(addCount())}>Add to count</button>
13    </main>
14  );
26 Sep 2019
1useDispatch({ type: '', playload });
08 Apr 2019
1const result: any = useSelector(selector: Function, equalityFn?: Function)
queries leading to this page
class component useselectorredux react hooks exampleuseselector hook inside the functionuseselector atareact hook usedispatchreact usestate with reduxuseselector inside custom hookafter useselector filter javascripti have use selector in many react components 2c i want only that useselector to work which press the button not all 3fuseselector reduxredux hooks dispatchreact useselectorreact hooks dispatch redux actionuse redux with react hooksredux hooks dispatch actionreact usedispatchuseselector react hookusedispatch examplewhat is usedispatch in reduxusing mapstate to props in react hooksredux useselectorstate hooks reduxredux useselector versionuseselector example reactimport 7b usedispatch 2c useselector 7d from 27react redux 27import usedispatchuse store in hooksreact useselector hookusedispatch to get the updated store variablereact redux useselector examplewhat is the use of useselector in reactredux get data with hooksredux in functional component react nativeusestate or 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