2 <p id="contents">Nothing loaded.</p>
3 <button id="reload">Reload</button>
4 <script>
5 require.config({ // require's configuration
6 baseUrl: "./js",
7 paths: {
8 jquery: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min', // file path
9 }
10 });
11 require(["jquery"], function ($) {
12 var $contents = $("#contents");
13 function reload() {
14 require.undef("text!../file.html"); // "clear" the required code
15 require(["text!../file.html"], function (file) { // re-require the code
16 $contents.empty(); // your optional code (can be omitted) by just using:
17 $contents.append(file); // require(["text!../file.html"]);
18 });
19 }
20 $("#reload").click(reload); // call the refresh function in a button or another function
21 });
22 </script>