remove php from url

Solutions on MaxInterview for remove php from url by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "remove php from url"
18 Mar 2018
1//put this piece of code in the root file .htaccess
2RewriteEngine on
3#remove extension html
4RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
5RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.html -f
6RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.html [NC,L]
8#remove extension php
9RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d 
10RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f 
11RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php
22 Sep 2017
1echo strip_tags("Hello <b>world!</b>");
19 Mar 2020
1# Apache Rewrite Rules
2 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
3  Options +FollowSymLinks
4  RewriteEngine On
5  RewriteBase /
7# Add trailing slash to url
8  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
9  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5}|/|#(.*))$
10  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1/ [R=301,L]
12# Remove .php-extension from url
13  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
14  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f
15  RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)/$ $1.php 
17# End of Apache Rewrite Rules
18 </IfModule>
queries leading to this page
remove php from url from phphtaccess hide php extension from urlhow to remove php extension from url using javascripthow to remove file extention from url phprewriterule remove php from urlhtaccess remove php and htmlphp remove string tagremove get from url phpphp remove all html tags from stringremove file extension htaccessremove the php extension from urlremove all spaces html tags from string phpstrip strong tag htmlremove extension from file name phphow to remove phpremove html element from phpphp remove html attributes from stringhow to ignore html tags in php without removephp remove url parameters htaccess hide file extension phpremove fomr url phpphp remove 23 in urlphp clear html tagsphp remove extension from a file nameremove html in htaccessremoving php extension from url php remove htaccess in core phpget text in html phpphp remove www from urlhow to remove php extension from url in phphtacces hide php extentionremove php extension from search urlremove the php from the urlremove text from url phpjquery convert mysql datetime into javascriptphp striptagshow to remove php in urlphp display string and avoid htmlremove php using url routeremove variable from url phpphp delete link in stringphp remove url in stringremove php extension from url htaccesshtacess remove need op phphow to remove html code from text in phphide php extension htaccessphp code for php extension removehow to remove html in phpremove php on page lodremove php from end of urlphp strig a tagphp remove php from urlforce php in include to remove extension linksremove all html tags from string php is not working in phpremove www from url phpremove php extension from url w3schoolsphp code for remove all html tags from stringphp remove html tags but display html formatremove 25 from url phphtaccess remove php extensionhow to remove php from url in core phphow to remove the php from url in simple phpremove tag from string phpremove string from html code phphow to remove php from url within the foldertag html stringphp remove html elements from stringphp clear all html tagshow to remove any url within a string in phpstriptags phpremove php from url using htaccessremove html by phpapache htaccess remove php extensionphp strip out htmlphp remove tag with contentphp stip htmlhow to remove extensions from url phpget rid of htaccess file extensionsa code to remove php 3f extensionhow to remove the php extension in urlremove php from url htaccess in phpwrite a php program that removes html from a given stringremove html with phpphp remove html tagsremove html tags if no content in phpremove 5cr from string phphow to remove html tags and from string in phpauto remove php or html htaccessrewrite php extension htaccessremove php extension fromstrip html from string phpphp ignore html tagshow to remove php in url in phphtaccess hide htmlhow to filter only p tag in phphow to remove php in urlremove url from text phpstrip tags 28 29remove php from url all iner pagesremove php from url apacheremove the php from urlphp remove html tags from stringremove the php from the url windowsstrip html tags meansstrip tags phpremove all html from string phphtml extension remove htaccess remove php extensionphp strip html from texthtacces remove php php extension remove htaccess remove php and 3fremove url after com phpphp get rid of html tag in stringphp remove all html tagshow to remov tag in php php remove htaccessremove php file extension from urlhow to remove php from url in phpphp strig a tag onlyremove url phpremove php extension from urlphp remove html tag and content from stringremove url query in phpwisthout php and htlm extension htaccessstrip tagshow to remove from url in phpphp remove html tags and content htaccess url without extensionremove php or html from stringhow to remove php extension from url htaccessstrip tags 28 29 phpremove html frromm string phphow to remove an entire html tag from a string using phphtaccess remove php but allow post requrestskip html tagsremove word from url phpremove extension from filename in url phphow to clear the html file extension namephp remove fbclid from urlhow to remove php html extensions with htaccess and redirect to 2fremove php on page loadremove html from string phphow to remove any url link within a string in phphow to hide file extensions in phpremove php extens from string phpphp html to text remove tagsremove html char phpphp strip html tagsphp preg match remove html tags from stringhtml tag in php stringhow to remove php extension from url using htaccess htaceess remove php from urlphp remove from uriphp remove url from stringhow to remove the php from url using filenameremove php extension htaccessremove html string div phpremove current url from string phphow to hide php html tag in urlphp strip html taghow to remove file extensions php from url using htacessremove html 26 characters from string phpremove php extension in filedelete html balise phpphp extension remove htaccesshow to parse tags as html and not string coming from db queryrewrite php extension htaccessphp apache remove php from end of urlremove html tag from string in phpremove urls from string phpphp remove file extension from urlremove an html tag using phpphp execute all html tags from stringhow to remove php from url iishow to remove all html tags from a string in phpremove html extension phpremove html tag in phphtaccess remove html from urlhow to remove php extension from url in php using htaccesshtaccess hide file extension in urlremove php or html htaccesshow to remove html extension from url without htaccessstrip tags in phpphp remove a part from urlremove from url in php php remove urlphp include remove extensions at linksremove html tags from phpwhat does strip tags does in phpremove 25 code in html in phpremove 2f from url phpstrip tags in php exampleremove div tag from string in phpphp how to get rid of php in the urlhide extensions php htaccesshow to revove the php extionremove extension at the end of url phphow to remove extensions from url using htaccessremove php from urlhow to remove php and html from urlremove extension phpphp remove extension from urlhtaccess remove html extensionphp strip tagsphp remove htmlhtml remove phpphp 2c how to delete php in url adresshow to remove or hide php and html extension in website url using htaccessphp how to remove a websitehtaccess remove hide phpphp function to remove html tags htaccess remove all html and phpstrip tag in phpremove url 25 from text in phpremove php extension in urlremove phpremove php extensionhow to remove php from url in core phpremove html tags from string using phpdelete file extension in url htaccesshow to remove p tag from string in phphide html from urlrewritecond on don 27t show file extetionremvoe 25 in url php php url remove phpremoving html tags in phphide php from url htaccessremove string from url phphow to remove php extension from urlremove html tags phpupdate magic data 28 29 in phphow to remove file extension name in phpremove a tag from string phpphp remove all html code from stringhtaccess remove phpremove php extension from url htaccess blocking login passwordhow to remove index php from urlhow do i remove a php extension from urlremove html character from string phpremove html tags from content in phpremove 22 5c 22 from string phphide page extension in htmlhow to remove the php from urlremove htm in phpremove fbclid from url phpremove php tag from stringphp remove html code from stringphp url remove parameterremove php extension phpremove html tag phpphp stripphp remove html and print stringhtml strip tagsremove html tags from string in phpphp strip tagsphp remove p tag from stringhow to remove php extension from url in localhostdelete parameter for php urlphp remove a html tagphp string remove stringstrip out all html tags phphtml tag remove in phpremove html phpphp strip tags 27how to clear the html tags using phpremove php or html hphp regex remove urlremove php from endingphp remove html element from stringhow to remove localhost from url in phphow to remove string from url in phpdisable php extention phphow to hide the php extension in urlphp code to remove html tags from a stringremove php extension from url apacheremove html from text phphtaccess remove php extension from urldelete file php by urlhow to remove php extensions how to remove php in url in phpphp remove character from stringhow to remove php from url in php without removing php from a linkhow to avoid use html extension from url without htaccesshow to remove www from url in phpremove parts of url in phpdisable php extension htaccessphp trim tagsremove htm urlstrip tags phphow to ignore html tags in phphow to remove php and html from domain htaccessphp script remove html tagshow to remove html characters from a string in phphow to remove php in url linkhow to remove php extension from url without htaccessremove all the html tag from string in phphphp strip taggsremove html element from string phpphp delete get out of urlremove php tags from stringtag remove from string phphow to remove file extension from file url in phphow to hide php extension in urlht access remove phpremove php from url httpdexecute html tags in ophp stringphp remove html tag from stringwrite a php program that removes html from the given string delete format php in urlphp remove 23 from urlremove hypehn from string in phpwhat is rewriterule 5e 28 2a 29 24 241 phpphp remove tagsremove php from url but still load if request has php htaccessremove php from url in phpphp stripe tagshow to remove php file extension from url barremove part of url phpphp remove p tagsphp remove html contentdelete php in urlremove extension php htaccesshow to remove html tags from string phptrim html tags phphow to remove extension of file in php from url how to remove 2f from image url in phpremove 2f 2f from html in phpphp remove html charactersphp remove file extension from stringremove php get data from urlhtacess get rid of file extensionsphp remove html characters from string htacess how to remove htmlphp strip htmlhow to make php remove php from urlremove html fom string phpphp how to remove a parameter from urlremoving script tags from inputs phphide html extension in url using htaccesstrip tag phpremove php from url htaccessremove php extension htaccess articleremove php extension in url in phpremove string from string phphow to remove html tags and not data phdelete using a tag phpwhat is 7bstrip 7d in phphtaccess remove html from html filesremove 25f url phphow to remove php from url in htaccessstriptags in phpphp remoge html tagsstrng html code remove in phpremove php in htaccesshtaccess remove html from urlremove from test html tags phphow to remove html extensionhtacess remove need of phphtaccess remove php from urlremove html extension from url with phpphp remove parameter from urlremove php extension from filestripe tagsremove html text phpphp function html code removeremove items from url phphow to remove php extension from urlphp remove html from stringphp triptagsremove tag regex phpinput text allow strip php remove extension from filenamestrip tagshtaccess hide php extensionremove html tags in string phphow to remove php from urlhow to remove php html extensions with htaccessphp url remove specific attributesphp filter input vs strip tagshow to remove html tags from string in phpphp code to remove html php remove the taghide html extension htaccessremove all html tags from string phphow to remove html tags in text using phpremove php extension websitephp cut string excluding html tagsphp remove tags from stringstrip html tags phpstrip html tags from string php htaccess remove php from single urlstrip tag phpeliminate html from text phphtaccess remove file extentions htacces remove file extensionapache htaccess remove html extensionhow to remove html using phpremove multiple html tags from string in phphtaccess php removephp strip html tags keep paragraphremove html tags from string phphtaccess disable php extensionhtaccess file to remove phphow to create htaccess file to hide php extensionphp remove extensionhow to use htaccess to remove php extension from urldelete index php from urlphp remove path from urlread url and remove www from url phpturn off file extension htaccess htaccess to remove phphide php extension using htaccess htaccess remove php htaccess remove all html no redirecthow to remove php in url link html websiteremove html tags from db while echoremove url from string phphow to remove extension from url using htaccessremove php htaccessphp htaccess remove phpremove php htaccesshtaccess without php extensionphp replace all html tagsremove html content from string phpremove php in linkremove extension from filename phpremove html tags on string phpphp clear html coderemove php and from urlhtaccess take off phpphp clear html tags from stringremove param url phpremove php from urlphp string html tagshow to remove part of url phpremove php from url htaccessphp remove tags from htmlphp html remove 5cdelete a word from url phphow to select limited html tags in phpphp for function to add html tagsstrip html tags in phphtaccess php file without extensionhow to strip html from echo phpremoving file extensions using htaccessget rid of html php rermove php urlremove html characters from string php htaccess remove hide phpfunction to remove html tags in phpremove php extension with htaccessphp file url delete getremove from url phpremove element from url phpremove html tag pgpstrip html tag phpclear string from html phphow to remove 3f from url in phphtaccess no php extensionphp remove phpphp delete html tags from stringhow to remove html extension from url using htaccessremove php extensionget rid of the php in a linkhow to remove html tags from stringin phpremove html tags from string php but format should be sameremove php exntension and call 2frun filecheck for a closing html tags in a string phphtaccess hide extensionremove html tages form string phpphp remove domain from urlhow do you remove html tags from data in php 3fhide php extension in the htmlfind and delete html tags in phphtaccess remove file extensionhow to remove html tags using php htaccess url no extensionremove php from url uesrremove php from url in subdomainhow to remove base url in phphow to remove the php from url using fileshide url extension in phpstrip html phpremove htlm from string phpphp add striptagshtaccess remove phpphp str tagsremove html and php url extensionshow to remove extension in url html and php bothphp remove from urlremove folder from the url phpdelete html tags from string phphtaccess file without extensionhow to remove file extension from url in phphow to remove php from url in core php in folderremove php extension from url webslessondelete html in text phpremove http from url phpremove html tags from url phpstrip html characters phphow to hide php extension using htaccessphp strip tagphp remove string from urlstrip tags in phpremove php from urlhow to clear all tag html phpremove www from url phpremove html code from text phphtaccess for rewrite rule for html to access php filephp remove url parameters from url stringremove extension from string phpremove all html characteres phpremove php extension from url using htaccesstext strip phpremove html tags from text phpphp api remove extensionremove 25 in html in phpremove php extentionremove php extension from urlhtml stripsphp delete url in stringremove html extensionsphp remove html tags from text htaccess rewrite htmlremove only a tag from string phpphp html strip tagsremove value after 3f from url in phpfunctions php delete home urlhow to hide php extension in url using htaccessremove extension at the end of link phpunlink httacessremove all the html tag from string in phpremove from domain phpremove tag html phpremove php htaccessphp remove file extention from namephp url string remove specific attributeurl php removephp remove url in stringshtaccess no php neededremove php without htaccessremove php from url