reshape numpy

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showing results for - "reshape numpy"
15 Jan 2020
1>>> np.reshape(a, (2, 3)) # C-like index ordering
2array([[0, 1, 2],
3       [3, 4, 5]])
4>>> np.reshape(np.ravel(a), (2, 3)) # equivalent to C ravel then C reshape
5array([[0, 1, 2],
6       [3, 4, 5]])
7>>> np.reshape(a, (2, 3), order='F') # Fortran-like index ordering
8array([[0, 4, 3],
9       [2, 1, 5]])
10>>> np.reshape(np.ravel(a, order='F'), (2, 3), order='F')
11array([[0, 4, 3],
12       [2, 1, 5]])
17 Jun 2019
1np.reshape(a, (2, 3)) # C-like index ordering
2array([[0, 1, 2],
3       [3, 4, 5]])
4np.reshape(np.ravel(a), (2, 3)) # equivalent to C ravel then C reshape
5array([[0, 1, 2],
6       [3, 4, 5]])
7np.reshape(a, (2, 3), order='F') # Fortran-like index ordering
8array([[0, 4, 3],
9       [2, 1, 5]])
10np.reshape(np.ravel(a, order='F'), (2, 3), order='F')
11array([[0, 4, 3],
12       [2, 1, 5]])
22 Aug 2017
1>>> a = np.arange(6).reshape((3, 2))
2>>> a
3array([[0, 1],
4       [2, 3],
5       [4, 5]])
28 Jun 2017
1numpy.reshape(a, newshape, order='C')
07 Nov 2020
1>>> a = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
2>>> np.reshape(a, 6)
3array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
4>>> np.reshape(a, 6, order='F')
5array([1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6])
6>>> np.reshape(a, (3,-1))       # the unspecified value is inferred to be 2
7array([[1, 2],
8       [3, 4],
9       [5, 6]])
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reshape python datasetreshape numpy 3dhow reshape works in pythonnp reshape 28 1 1 29 reshape 28 1 29numpy array rshapingreshape 28 1 2c1 29 tcv reshapereshape 281 1 29 pythonhow to reshape a np arrayim reshapereshape pyhtonreshaping numpychange array dimentionwhat does 1 in reshape mean in numpyhow do i reshape a numpy array pythonnumpy e 3dreshapereshape python imagenp reshape 28 29reshape image array pythonnumpy reshape 28shape 2c array name 29numpy reshape 28n 29 to 28n 1 29nummpy reshapenumpy change shape from 2 2c to 2 2c1pandas reshape pythonmatrices in python numpy reshapenumpy reshpe 28 29np reshape with 1python3 reshape 28 29reshape python numpypython reshape change x and yreshape your data either using array reshape 28 1 2c 1 29 if your data has a single feature or array reshape 281 2c 1 29 if it contains a single sample numpy reshape 1 meaningreshape numpy operationimage reshape in numpyhow to change shape in pythonnumpy reshape 1numpy reshape 28 1 2c1 29 reshape 28 1 1 29nd array reshapehow to reshape ndarray in pythonreshape 28a 27 2c 5b 5d 2c1 29reshaping a matrix to a vector in pythonpython3 reshape 281 1 29 numpy array dimension reshape to 1dhow to reshape a numpy arraypyhton reshape a listreshape documentationreshape an array numpy in placehow to reshape arrayreshape 28 1 29 numpypython reshape 2creshape numpxnp reshape arraynp reshap a reshape 281 2c 1 29pandas reshape reshapenumpy reshape 28 1 2c1 29np reshape 281 2c 1 29 means reshape 28 1 1 29 in python reshape 28 1 1 29 pythoncannot reshape string numpyreshape array python 0numpy reshape and resizereshape python np arrayreshape sympycorrect syntax of the reshape 28 29 function in numpy array python isnumpy reshape vs resizenumpy reshape 3d arrayreshape array to matrix pythonx reshape 28 28 1 2c1 29 29numpy reshape axisreshaping numpy arrayimage reshapehow to reshape numpy ndarray in pythonnp reshape 28 1 29reshape list reshape 281 2c 1 29med reshape pythonreshape pandaswhat is reshape 28 1 1 29 in pythonnumpy reshape ndarraywhat is reshape 281 2c 1 29 np array reshapetf reshapenumpy sreshapehow to custom reshape pythonset shape of existing numpy arrayreshape 3 2c 1 numpyreshape 28 2c 1numpy reshape in placewhat does reshape 28 29 do 3freshape numpy array dimensionsnp reshape arrayreshape array in python using numpyhow to reshape numpy arraynp arange 289 29 reshape 283 3 29training data reshape method in pythonnp array reshape 1python reshape 28 1 29array reshaping in pythonpthon reshapereshape a matrix using numpypy numpy reshapereshapearray pythonformula reshape in pythonarray reshapearr reshape 3 1 shapewhat is 288 2c8 29 numpy reshape arrayreshape 28 1reshape 28 1 29 method in pythonreshape matrix in pythonreshape python pandas reshape arguments pythonnumpy reshape automaticreshape 28 1 1 29 python meanslibrary reshapereshape 28 1 2c 1 29reshape pyhton numpyreshape array implementationreshape 28 1 29 meanspython list reshapenumpy ndarray reshape 28 29reshape numpy documentationreshape 281 2c 1 29array reshape 281 2c 1 29change shape of array nppython reshapenumpy reshape with 1reshape 28 28 1 2c3 29 29np array reshape 28 1 2c1 29 reshape pythonnp 2creshape 28data 2c 28 1 2c 29reshape 28 1 1 29 explanationnp reshape 28 1 2c 1 29what is reshape 28 1 1 29 2bpythonreshapereshape ndarrayreshape 281 2c 1 29 numpynumpy reshape image 22np reshape 22numpy reshape change orderlist reshape pythonnp reshape 5cnumpy reshape 28 29reshape data 28 1 2c1 29reshape 1 numpypython array change shapenp reshape 28 1 2c2 29reshape 28a 27 2c1 2c 5b 5d 29list reshape numpypython reshape functionnumpy list reshapecorrect syntax of reshape function in numpy array pythonreshape numpy specific valuereshape python arrayreshape 281 1 29how to reshape numpy array to 1dnumpy rehape pythonarr reshapenn reshapenumpy reshape 28 27 29how to do reshape in pythonnumpy array reshapereshape image numpynp reshape does not have the orderreshape numpy array to 1dreshape in pythonnp reashapenumpy reshape 28 1 1 29numpy reshandarray reshapenp reshape 1reshape numnumpy reshape arraynumpy reshape 22 1 22 meaningnp reshape examplereshape a tensor into a vector in numpypython numpy reshapeconvert numpy array reshapehow to reshape the data in pythonreshape 28 1 29reshape array with 1python string list reshapenp reshape in pythonnumpy reshape rulesnumpy reshape cannot reshape array of sizepython reshape nupython array reshapereshape 281 2c 29what does 1 in np reshape doreshape python pytourchnp reshape vs array reshapewhat does 1 in reshape does in pyhtonreshape function in python examplereshape an array in pythonhow to reshape nompy arraynumpy rehapehow to reshape array in pythonvalues reshape 28 1 2c1 29ravel reshape pythonnp asarray reshapereshape function in python numpywhat does reshape 28 1 1 29 reshape matrix pythonreshape array in place np pythonnp reshape 28image 2c 28 1 2c1 29 29how to use numpy np reshapenp reshape 1reshape array pythonusing reshape in pythonreshape 28 5b2 2c3 5d 29np reshapenp arange reshapearray reshapechnage array shapecorrect syntax of reshape in pythonnp reshape 28 1 2 29array reshape 281 2c 1 29numpy reshapingnumpy reshape to column reshape sklearnis reshape a numpy functionreshape an np array frreshape 28a 2c 29 to 28a 2c1 29 npnp reshape 5b0 5d pythonreshape pyhton nupmy reshape 28a 2c 29 to 28a 2c1 29reshape 28 1 1 29 sklearnreshape 28 1 1 29 pythonnp reshape 28 1 1 29numpy reshape 1reshape dimension numpy reshape in pythonnp array 28 29 reshape 28 29python change array shapenp reshape 28 29 pythonnumpy array 28list 29 reshape what it doesnp reshape vs array reshapereshape numoy arraypython array reshapereshape 28 29 function in numpy array pythonways to reshape numpy arraysresize e reshape numpyreshape 28 1 2c224 2c224 2c3 29 ornumpy reshape in axis 1reshape 281 1 29 in pythonreshape 28 29 pythonreshape with tnumpy reshape if possiblematrix reshape pythonwhat does reshape 281 2c2 29 dopython array reshape 28 28 29 29how to reshape an array in pythonhow to reshape a data in pythonhow to reshape in numpypython reshape arrayhow to reshape a numpy array in pythonhow does numpy reshape workt reshape 28 1 2c 2 29python reshape numpy arraynumpy array reshape 28100 2c reshape 28 1reshape list python without numpylibrary 28reshape2 29how to reshape a matrix in pythonnumpy array reshpaingnp reshape 1 1numpy matrix to array reshapetrain reshapereshape python functionnumpy reshape why we eed itreshape numpy exampledata reshapereshape 28 1 2c 1 29 vs reshape 281 2c 1 29resize reshape numpy arraynumoy reshapereshape column numpynumpy reshape 5creshape python 1 1numpy reshape argumentsreshape np array of arrays to tensorfnumpy reshape 28 1 2c noneresize vs reshape numpywhat is reshape 28 1 2c4 29reshape as nparray reshape python reshape 28 1 2c1 29np arange 28 29 reshapepython how to reshape a matrixreshape in python numpy using numpy ndarray reshapenp reshape 1dnumpy reshape to 1 dimensionpython arrange reshapereshape data pythonreshape in np arraypython reshape sourcereshape 28 1 2c 1 29 meansreshape array in pythonnp reshape syntaxchange the shape of a value pythontorch reshapenumpy reshape by axisnumpy reshape 28 29numpy reshape 2d to 1dprint matrix python reshapereshape the npnumpy array and reshapenp arange reshapepython change the shape of numpy arraypython numpy array convert shape 281 2c 29 into 281 2c1 29numpy reshape 2f 2f 22 reshape 28 1 2c 1 29 22how to use reshape in numpyarray reshape in numpyreshape 28 1 2c1 29what does reshape acceptreshape 28a 27 2c1 2c 5b 5d 29reshape 28 29numpy undo reshape reshape 28 29 pythonnumpy reshape 28 1 1 29np reshape pythonreshape 28 28 1 2c1 2c2 29 29reshape in python numpyvariable reshape numpyreshape matrix numpyreshape 281 1 29 pythonnumpy reshape how does it workreshape np arrayreshape matrix in numpypython ndarray reshapenp reshape axisnumpy array reshapenp mean reshapereshape 28 1 2c 1 29 3fwhat does reshape 28 1 2c 1 29numpy reshape 2d arraypython matrix reshapewhat is reshape in pythonreshappe python matrixreshape a list in pythonreshape array numpy pythonnp array reshape trickreshape a matrix in pythonwhy use np reshape 281 2c 1 29 reshape 281 1 29what reshape method pythonimage reshape reshape 281 1 29 pythonreshape array in numpyreshape np ndarraynp change shapenp asarray reshapechange shape numpy arrayreshape paythonreshape on axis numpyreshape sympy matrixreshape a vector pythonnumpy change array to matrixnumpy array reshapenumpy array reshape examplereshape function in numpynumpy reshape examplenumpy reshape syntaxpython reshapenumpy reshapreshape in pandasreshape 28 1 2c x 29np reshape imagearr reshape pythonreshape array and rankarray reshape 28 1 1 29 numpyreshape list pythonnp array reshape pythonreshape functionhow to reshape list in pythonnumpy reshape 1 3f numpy reshape 1 whatdoes it donp reshape ordernumpy reshape and fillreshape 28 1 1 29 in pythonhow can i reshape array from 28m 2c 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ndarray 27python numpy matrix reshapeuse of reshape 28 1 2c1 29reshape 28 2c 28 1 2c1 29 29np reshape meansreshape 5b0 5d numpyreshape 28 1 2c224 2c224 2c3 29what does reshape 28 1 1 29 dowhat does reshape 28 1 2c 1 29 do to the matrix in numpy 3fchange shape of a np arrayreshape function in python 27reshape numpy arraypython resha 5bex reshape in pythonhow to reshape data using array reshape 28 1 2c 1 29matplotlib reshapereshape vector numpyreshape nparraynp reshapenp reshape usagehow to reshape vector in pythona 3d a reshape 281 2c 1 29numpy array reshape 28 1 2c 1 29reshape arraynumby reshapenumpy reshape fucntriuonnupy reshapechange shape of numpy arrayreshape a numpy arraynumpy array reshapingreshape an array pythonreshape list in python reshape numpyex1 3d np reshape 28vect1 2c 1 2c1 29python array vs reshapenumpy 2c reshape np reshape 28 a 2cm 2an 2c order 3d 27f 27 29how to reshape arraysnp reshape examplereshape 28 1 1 29 pythonnp reshape documentationreshape 28 1 2c1 python reshape 286 2c 29np reshape 28y 2c 28 1 2c1 29 29np array reshape trckreshape in python pandasreshape syntax in pythonpython numpy reshape examplearray reshape 28 1 1 29 syntaxvalues reshape in pythonreshape 281 1 29reshape rank 0 numpy arraynumpy reshapepandas reshape ndarraynp reshape vs reshapehow does reshape py workpython array reshape purereshape array pythoh reshape 28 1 2c 1 29 isreshape numpy 28x 2c 29np reshapereshape matrix to vector numpyemprego pythonreshape python listnumpy reshape array vectorreshape np ordernumpy reshape arraya reshape 281 2c 1 29how numpy reshape worksnp array reshape to none 2a 50python reshape array to 2dnumpy reshape 281 2c 1 29reshape a numpy aarraynp reshape whatfunction reshape pythonnp resize vs reshapepython values reshape 28 1 1 29what is np reshape 2810 29python reshape 28 1 1 29array reshape 28 1 1 29how do the reshape function workds in pythonwhat is reshape 281 2c 1 29 in pythonvalues reshapehow does reshape work pythonnp array reshapepython array reshape 281 2c 1 29numpy array reshape explaiednparray reshapewhat does reshape doesvalues reshape 281 2c 1 29numpy ndarray reshapereshape of array in pythonhow can i reshape array from 28m 2c 29 to 28m 2c1 29 in pythonreshape 28 29 in pythonnumpy change shapenp array reshape 28 1 1 29np array reshapereshape change data numpypython reshape 28 1 1 29torch reshape vs numpy reshapearray reshape in pythonreshape numpy arrayshow to reshape numpy array from 4darray reshape numpy 23 reshape y to be a rank 2 matrix using y reshape 28 29pytorch reshape reshapereshape image pythonreshape array pythonpython reshape listghow to reshape araay in pythonreshape in numpyreshape 1 python reshape y to be a rank 2 matrix using y reshape 28 29np arry reshapehow to reshape numpy matrix reshape 281 2c 2 29values reshape 28 1 1 29reshape in numpy purposewhat is the use of reshape in pythonhow to change shape of matrix in pythonpython reshape 1np array reshape 28 1 2c1 29reshape is in which module of python python np reshapereshaping in numpy reshape 281 2c 1 29convert shape of array from 1 to 3automatic reshapepython values reshapenp reshape 281 2c 1 29python reshape array of size 1python array reshape 28 29numpy reshape documentationnp reshape 28 1 29array reshape pythonrershape pythonnumpy reshape inplaceimport reshape pythonnp reshape 28 1 2c 1 29python reshape matrixarray reshape 281 2c 1 29 pythonnp array reshape 289990 2c 10 2c 3 29 to 2810 2c3 29 in phtyonreshape 28 1 29 3fhow to write a function for numpy array to reshape arraywhat reshape 28 1 2c1 29 doesrange and reshape in numpyreshape 28 1 2f1 29numpy array reshape 1 1reshape index pythonnumpy reshape manualnumpy reshape 281 2c 1 29 reshape java numpywhat is reshape 28 1 1 29reshape pythonpython reshape operationreshape of list pythonreshape 28 2c 1 29how to reshape np arraynumpy reshapenumpy reshape to selfdataset reshape pythonreshape matrix sympynumpy matrix reshape possiblenp reshape 281 2c 1 29reshape 283 2c 1 29numpy reshape methodcreate an empty array python reshapereshape numpy array pythonreason of reshape function in numpyreshape function in pythonwhat is reshape 28 1correct syntax of the reshape 28 29 function in numpy array in python isnumpy respahepreshape array of arrays numpynop reshapereshape train data pythonpython numpy array reshapehow does reshaping array in pythonhow to use reshape python reshape 28 1 2c28 2c28 2c1 29numpy reshape simple algorithmnp reshape 28reshape images python numpy arraynumpy reset shapechange shape of array pythonwhat is reshape 28 1 1 29numpz reshapenp reshape number of rows pythonhow to use reshape in python for listreshape function in python matplotlib 1 in np reshapecreate numpy array reshapereshape method in pythonnumpy re array reshape in pyrhonreshape 28 1 1 29when do we use reshape and when do we use arrayv reshape 28 1 2c 1 29 numpyreshape 28 1 1 29 function in pythoncorrect syntax of the reshape 28 29 function in numpy array python is e2 80 93reshape list in array pythonpython array reshape 28 1 2c 1numpy inplace reshapewhat does reshape 28 1 1 29 doreshape array python numpywhat do you use reshape 28 1 2c 1 29reshapy pythonreshape 28 1 29 pythoncorrect syntax of the reshape 28 29 function in numpy array python is reshape python 281 1 29np reshape stablea reshapepython np reshapereshape 28 1 2c3 29reshaape pythonreshape imagen nympy arraym 3d np array 28m 29 reshape 28x shape 29reshape vs resize numpydefine reshapereshape 28a 2c 282 3 2c3 29 29numpy reshapenumpy reshapereshape pythomreshape data how does np reshape workinplace reshape numpyreshape to one dimension pythonmeaning of 1 in reshape in pythonnupmy reshape 5b 3a 2c 3a 2c 3a3 5d python reshapenp array reshape functionhow to reshape numpy arraysnumpy reshape 28 1 29numpy matrix reshapenp reshape 28 1 2c 1 29 do 3freshape function pythonnumpy array reshape 28 1 1 29reshape 28 1 29 in pythonreshape listnumpy reshape 3bwhat does values reshape do data reshape pythonnp array 28x 29 reshapereshape the matrix pythonuse of reshape in pythonreshaping large matrice pythonreshape function 1reshape numpy ndarray examplereshape numpy 281 2c 29reshaping an array in pythonreshape array python programm to reshapenp reshape reshape 28 2c5 29 in pythonreshape 28 2c 2c 2c 29reshape matrix npnumpy reshape in pythonimg reshapenparray reshapenumpy view reshapereshape 28 29 modulenump reshape arrayreshpae numpy arraynp reshape 28 1how to use reshape for an array in pythonreshape numpyreshape 28x 2cy 2cz 29 in pythonarray reshape in pythonnp reshape in numpyy reshape 28 1 1 29torch reshapecv reshapenumpy reshape 22 1 22numpy how to reshape matrix pythonreshape numpy array in pythoncv2 reshapenumpy reshape ordernumpy how to reshape arrayreshape python 1function reshapeho wto reshape numpy arraynumpy x reshapereshape 28 1 2c2 29np array reshapenp reshape 28a 2c 283 2c 1 29 29 reshape 28n 2c 1does np reshape returnresize and reshape in numpynp reshape ordernp reshape in placereshap numpy functionreshape 28 1 2c 1 29numpy reshape explainedreshape in npnumpy array reshape 28 29ndarray reshapereshape 281 2c 1 29how to reshape in pythonreshape image pytohnreshape pandas arraynumpy reshape example python reshape pandaspython numpy reshape vectorhow does reshape 28 29 works 3freshape 281 1 29 in numpyhow to use numpy np reshapereshape 28 1 2c 29 reshape 28 1 2c 1 29b reshape 283 2c4 29 3breshape 284 2c4 29 to 284 2c 29 numpyreshape to a variable length matrix numpyhow does np array reshape worknumpy reshape reversereshape 281 2c6 29reshape 28 29 dans pythonreshape matrix to array pythonarray reshape 28 1 1 29 pythonwhat does reshape donp reshape2how to use reshape numpyreshape an np arrayreshape 28 29 function in pythonreshape data pythonpython arrays using reshape reshape 28 29reshjape numpy arraypython reshape moduleply reshape in pythonpython reshape 28reshape image python numpynp array set shapereshape 28 1 1 29 numpywhat is reshape 281 2c 1 29 pythonhow to use reshape in python for arraywhat is reshape function in pythonreshape python 1 1reshape methodwhat does values reshape do in pythonreshape array numpyin place reshape numpynumpy array reshape 2d to 1dreshape 28 1 2c1 29train reshape 28 29rearrange shape of arrayreshape 28 1 2c 1 29reshape 28 1 2c 1 29 pythonnp reshape without numpynumpy reshaoenp array 28trial answers 29 reshape 28none 2c1 29function reshape in pythonnumnpy reshapereshape and resize in numpyhow to reshape the array in pythonhow to reshape array numpynumpy reshape with typereshape np with default valuereshape npwhat does reshape 28 1 1 29 function doesreshape method in numpymatplotlib reshape pythonreshape a np arrayreshape 28 1 1 29 in numpylist reshape numpy resha 5bepythin reshapenp reshape numpyuwhy do we use reshape 28 1 2c1 29how to reshape pythonnumpy reshape 1 2c1mnumpy reshapewhat does array reshape function in pythonreshape 28 29 numpynp reshape in different axisarray reshape numpynumpy change dimensionreshape 28 29 function in numpy array python isreshape in python docswhich function is used for reshape a numpy array in python 3fnumpy array reshapenumpy reshapre arrayreshape in numpy pythonhow to rehsape an arraynp reshape in pythonhow to reshape array in numpyhow to use reshae numpyreshape a list pythonreshape 28 1 1 29np array reshape reshape 28 1 2c1 29 what does it dopython reshape 28 29python how to reshape arrayhow to reshape a numpy ndarraynumpy reshape why we need itreshaping python numpy reshape 28 1 2c 1 2c 2 29box labels 3d np asarray 28box labels 29 reshape 28df cm shape 5b0 5d 2cdf cm shape 5b1 5d 29list reshape in pythonnumpy reshape variable number of columns reshape 28 1 2cnumpy rescale how to reshape image in numpya reshape pythonhow to reshape an array column wise in pythonreshape using pythonnumpy array change dimensionreshape 281 2c 1 29reshape 28 1 2c1 29 in python what does it meanareshape 28 28 1 2c 1 29 29numpy reshape np arrayfonction reshape pythonreshape array pytnoreshape numpy