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showing results for - "reverse a string javascript"
01 Jan 2017
1function reverseString(s){
2    return s.split("").reverse().join("");
03 Mar 2019
1//more compact way: 
2"my example text".split("").reverse().join("");
17 Jan 2019
1return str.split("").reverse().join("");
02 Jul 2018
1"this is a test string".split("").reverse().join("");
2//"gnirts tset a si siht"
4// Or
5const reverse = str => [...str].reverse().join('');
7// Or
8const reverse = str => str.split('').reduce((rev, char)=> `${char}${rev}`, '');
10// Or
11const reverse = str => (str === '') ? '' : `${reverse(str.substr(1))}${str.charAt(0)}`;
13// Example
14reverse('hello world');     // 'dlrow olleh'
04 Jul 2016
1//with built-in method
2let string = "We are going to reverse a string with built-in method.";
3let reversed = string.split("").reverse().join("");
6//with the for loop
7let string = "We are going to reverse a string with the for loop.";
8function reverse (string){
9  let reversed = "";
10  for(let char of string){
11    reversed = char + reversed;
12  }
13  return reversed;
17//with the spread operator
18let string = "We are going to reverse a string with the spread operator.";
19let reversed = [...string].reverse().join("");
22//with iteration
23let string = "We are going to reverse a string with iteration.";
24function reverse(string) {
25  for (var reversed = "", i = string.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
26    reversed += string[i];
27  }
28  return reversed;
07 Nov 2017
1var s = userInput[0];
2var rev = [];
3for(let i=0;i<s.length;i++)
5    rev.push(s[s.length-1-i]);
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