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showing results for - "rounding up a number so that it is divisible by 5 javascript"
04 May 2020
1function round5(x)
3    return Math.ceil(x/5)*5;
21 Jan 2018
1const roundToNearest5 = x => Math.round(x/5)*5
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js round to increments of 5 5 round off in javascriptjavascript round number to 5rounding to the nearest 5 javajavascript rounding to the nearest fivejavascript round 2 1 to 3js round a value down 5js multiple of 5round up to the next nearest multiple of 5math round to nearest 5round off to the nearest 10 jsjavascript round to 5how do you round the number 3 14 to the nearest integer javascriptround up last 3 digit javascriptjs round 282 5 29how to round a number from an by 5 jsjavascript round to nearest whole numberhow to find the next multiple of five javascriptround to nearest tenth jsround float to nearest integer jsround to next multiple of 5 javaround value to tenths place javascriptrounding 0 5 jsround to nearest 5 javascriptround up to whole number javascriptif 0 5 round 1 javascriptrounding up a number so that it is divisible by 5 javascriptjs round to next 10round a number to only 1 decima in jsjavascript round to the nearest hundredthjs round number unless 5how to find next multiple of 5 in javaround number to 5 javascriptround 5 jshow to round up a number to the nearest multiple of 90 in javascriptjavascript round to nearest 10rounding to 0 5 jsjs round to nearest intfind the next multiple of 5 javaround down to nearest integer javascriptrounding by 5 in javascriptjs round 0 5js round to tensjavascript round to multiple of 5round of number in 5 javascriptround off number value in javascriptround of into 2 5 or 3 5 in javascriptjavascript round nearest 5 or 0javascript round to next 5javascript round to nearest inthow to round to the nearest whole number in javascriptround 2 jsround nearest 100th jsround to 1dp javscriptround a value to the nearest integer nodejsmath object in js 28random 2c rounding values to nearest integers 29how to round up a numbers like 7 030056716074608e 2b22 in javascriptin javascript round a number up or down if the number isn 27t a zeroround to nearest integer jsjs round whole number to 10javascript round 5 upjavascript round to point 5javascript 6 round to exact 10javascript round to nearest secondjavascript round up to nearest nround number to nearest 5 javascriptmath round to nearest 5rounding numbers to a specific number jshow to round up by 5 jsjs round to tenthjs round to nearest 1 js round to 10javascript rounding to the nearest multiple of 5rounding up number from division javascriptround off to next digit javascriptround down to 0 2c5 jsround to nearest tenth javascriptround to 2 dp jsjavascript round to 1dpround to nearest 5 javascriptjavascript round up to nearest multiple of 5ghow to round up number to two digets in javascriptjavascript round 1 5 to 1round number to nearst 5 jsround 2 javascriptto nearest 5 javascriptround up nearest quarter hour javascriptsround to nearest minute step javascriptround of into 2 6 to 2 5 in javascriptround up when more 0 5 jsjs round to nearest 5divide value by 2 and round to nearest 0 5 javascriptround to nearest whole number javascriptround to next half javascriptjs round to nearest multiple of 5javascript round number to nearest biggerjavascript round 2 1 become 3javascript round number up to nearest specific stepjs round whole number down to 10js round up to the closest 245rounding up a number so that it is divisible by 5 javascript