schema error laravel

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showing results for - "schema error laravel"
05 Jul 2020
1use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
3public function boot()
5    Schema::defaultStringLength(191);
10 Jan 2019
1use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
3public function boot()
5    Schema::defaultStringLength(191);
queries leading to this page
sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 byteserror code 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytesaccess violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a asqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60model has permissions 60 add index 60model has permissions model id model type index 60 28 60model id 60 2c 60model type 60 29 29071 specified key was too long 3b max key lengt1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29django db utils operationalerror 3a 281071 2c 27specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes 27 29laravel set string length in morephlaravel default string lengthsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 291071 specified key was t oo long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes laravellaravel boot keysyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 22correccion sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter tab le 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 291071 specified key was too long max key length is 1000 bytes laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60password resets 60 add index 60password resets email index 60 28 60email 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length issqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60data types 60 add unique 60data types name unique 60 28 60name 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel key too long errorsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60permissions 60 add unique 60permissions name guard name unique 60 28 60name 60 2c 60guard name 60 29 29schema 3a 3adefaults laravelsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60permissions 60 add unique 60permissions name guard name unique 60 28 60name 60 2c 60guard name 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users rcno unique 60 28 60rcno 60 29 29specified key was too longkey to long laravel specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes in php my adminsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key lengtlaravel too long key1071 specified key was too long laravel migration max key lenght is 1000 sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 laravelspecified key was too long 3b max key lengtservice provider max ke lengthsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22schema 3a 3adefault 28191 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22 laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b users table laravel 8 specified key was too long1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60personal access tokens 60 add index 60personal access tokens tokenable type tokenable id index 60 28 60tokenable type 60 2c 60tokenable id 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60permissions 60 add unique 60permissions name guard name unique 60 28 60name 60 2c 60guard name 60 29 29laravel specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessyntax error or access violation 1071 specified key was too longlaravel sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length i sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29length too long laravelsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3berror 1071 2842000 29 at line 25 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29 laravel 8specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 byteserror 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytesservice provider default string lengthschema 3a 3adefaultstringlength 28191 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users name unique 60 28 60name 60 29 29laravel migration errorlaravel sql alter table users add unique users email unique 28 email 29laravel defaultstringlength 28191 29 pdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes 22 29max key length laravelilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29pdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesschema 3adefaultstring 28191 29laravel 6 1071 specified key was too longspecified key was too long max key length is 1000 bytes laravelaccess violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3bsqlstate 42000 syntax error or access violation 3a 1071laravel migrationsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users username unique 60syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 sp ecified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22 29specific key is too long error in laravel1071 specified key was too long laravellaravel migration typesqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesspecified key was too long max key length is 767 byteslaravel migrate specified key was too longsql error 5b1071 5d 5b42000 5d 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users e mail unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes laravellaravel sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071laravel schema default string length71 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sq l 3a alter table 60password resets 60 add index 60password resets email index 60 28 60email 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29 laravelspecified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes laravelsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 231071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytesspecified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes entityframeworksyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60191 60 28php artisan migrate specified key was too longschema default string length laravel lenght 10001071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes laravelspecified key was too long laravel migrationspecified key was too long 3b laravellaravel app service provider error database 5cconnection php 3a464 pdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22 29specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel migration statement error 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 byteslaravel key 191sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60permi ssions 60 add unique 60permissions name guard name unique 60 28 60name 60 2c 60guard name 60 29 29error 1071 2842000 29 at line 722 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytesmax key length is 100 bytes laravelsqlstate 42000 laravel migrationsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 291 pdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 22 29 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesmigration error in laravelpdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 sp ecified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22 29sqlstate42000 specified key was too long 5cschema 3a 3adefaultstringlength 28191 29 3blaravel 7 sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b maation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users emai l unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel key was too long 231071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60sessions 60 add unique 60sessions id unique 60 28 60id 60 29 29appserviceprovider boot 28 29 error lengthlaravel 8 sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter tabl e 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29schema string length laravel syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22string default length laravellaravel qlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b malaravel set default string lengthsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b m ax key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60e mail 60 29 29schema 3a 3adefault string laravele 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessyntax error length too big in laravelilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel migrate errorilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a a lter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29use defaultstringlength laravellaravel migation errorimport mysql specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessqlstate 42000 laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 addspecify key was too long laravel1071 specified key was too long 3b max key lengthsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29migrate syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytesilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes in phpmyadminlaravel sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes 281071 2c 27specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes 27 29 key was too long laravelyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel defaultstringsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessyntax error or access violation 1071 specified key was too long laravel 7mysql error 1071 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes mariadberror 1071 2842000 29 at line 25 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes program 27mysql 27 finished with non zero exit code 3a 1 231071 specified key was too long max key length is 767 bytes mysqlsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sq l 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessy ntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29phpmyadmin 231071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60world cities 60 add index 60uniq city 60 28 60country id 60 2c 60division id 60 2c 60name 60 29 29public function boot 28 29 7b schema 3a 3adefaultstringlength 28191 29 3b 7dexception 27pdoexception 27 with message 27sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 27 yii 2 syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 byteserror code 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users e mail unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 0a c2 a0 c2 a0sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29pdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22laravel defaultstringlengthsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users em ail unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 laravellaravel 191defaultstringlength laravel191 key laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users u sername unique 60 28 60username 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users em ail unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel 8 syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29laravel syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesspecified key was too long max key length is 767 bytes during my sql importpdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 22 29laravel sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytedatabase error code 3a 1071 message 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60shoppingcart 60 add primary key 60shoppingcart identifier instance primary 60 28 60identifier 60 2c 60instance 60 29 29state 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytesmysql error 1071 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes suitecrm sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel key length too long syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60permissions 60 add unique 60permissions name guard name unique 60 28 60name 60 2c 60guard name 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60personal access tokens 60 add index 60personal access tokens tokenable type tokenable id index 60 28 60tokenable ty pe 60 2c 60tokenable id 60 29 29error schema 3a 3adefaultstringlength 28191 29 3blaravel sqlstate 5b42000 5dmigrate laravel campo textpdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22 29specify key was too long laravel 5 8syntax error or access v iolation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 byteslaravel shema errorsqlstate 5b42000 5d in laravellaravel users email uniquelaravel syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60failed jobs 60 add unique 60failed jobs uuid unique 60 28 60uuid 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add uni que 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29lstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users e mail unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28ssqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key lengthsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel string length errorlaravel key too longlaravel syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29 5cschema 3a 3adefaultstringlengyh 28191 29 3b0 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sqlaravel default string length 28191 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29length 191 laravelexception 27pdoexception 27 with message 27sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 27specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60roles 60 add unique 60roles name unique 60 28 60name 60 29 29error 1071 specified key was too long max key length is 767 bytes 231071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes voyger laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60password resets 60 add index 60password resets email index 60 28 60email 60 29 291071 specified key was too long laravel migration illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29specified key was too long laraveldefault string length in laravelsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was t oo long 3b max key length is 767 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too longcaused by 3a exception 27pdoexception 27 with message 27sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 27alter table 60failed jobs 60 add primary key 28 60id 60 29 2c add unique key 60failed jobs uuid unique 60 28 60uuid 60 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29 laravellaravel specified key was too long 3b max key lengthsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users username unique 60 28 60username 60 29 29how to increase max key lenght in laravelilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29spatie 2flaravel specify key was too long laravel 5 8error error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key lengt h is 1000 bytes 22 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60emai l 60 29 29public function boot 28 29 7b schema 3a 3adefaultstringlength 28191 29 3b 7d maximshema error laravellaravel 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60password resets 60 add index 60password resets email index 60 28 60email 60 29 29illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 byteslaravel specified key was too long 3b max key length laravel 6 defaultstringlength not workingschema laravel 191 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes how to incresea size1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes lumen syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 byteslaravel 767 bytes errorsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was toolong 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter talaravel schema erroryii 5cdb 5cexception 27 with message 27sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes1071 laravel error1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 byteslaravel default size of stringmysql syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesschema 191 laravel1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 22 29specified key was t oo long 3b max key length is 767 bytes laravelyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60permissions 60 add unique 60permissions name guard name unique 60 28 60name 60 2c 60guard name 60 29 29 laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was t oo long 3b max key length is 767 bytesappserviceprovider laravel 191schema error laravellaravel appserviceprovider 191laravel syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 231071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes error in servererror 1071 2842000 29 at line 10303 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 byteutf8mb4 index laravel specified key to longalter table users add unique users email unique 28 email 29 29 laravelerror code 3a 1071specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60sys users 60 add unique 60sys users username unique 60 28 60username 60 29 29laravel artisan specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytesyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 byteslaravel s too long 28sql 3a alter table 60pupils class transitions 2022 60 add primary keysqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes laravel 231071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesdatabase schema 191 laravellaravel foreign key errors in migrate tables sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sq l 3a alter table 60password resets 60 add index 60password resets email index 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel boot default string lenght meanserror in migration laravelschema 3a 3adefaultstringlength 28191 29 3blaravel set string length bootsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes laravellaravel max key length 1000 byte issue1071 2c 27specified key was too longsyntax errorsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29error 1071 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytesdefaultstringlength 28191 29at line 221 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytesset default string length laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytshcema legnth laravel bootlaravel is too long 28sql 3a alter table 60pupils class transitions 2022 60 add primary keyapp service provider laravel 191laravel schema 1911071 specified key was too long 3bspecified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60person al access tokens 60 add index 60personal access tokens tokenable type tokenable id index 60 28 60tokenable type 60 2c 60tokenable id 60 29 291071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29specified key was too long 3b max key length is migrationssyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytes laravel string length 1000sqlstate 42000 laravel 5 8laravel syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too longlaravel 8 syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60personal access tokens 60 add index 60personal access tokens tokenaspecified key was too long maxlaravel 191 migrationlaravel specified key was too long 5berr 5d 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29what is laravel schema default string1071 specified key was too longlaravel 6 syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytesspecified key was too long 3b max key length is 3072 bytesspecified key was too long max key length is 1000 byteslaravel too longphp artisan migrate syntax error or access violationlaravel specified key was too long 3b max key length islaravel migration string length errorsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add un ique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29schema default string length laravelsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too lo ng 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60model has permissions 60 add index 60sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email uniqsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767laravel 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 76 7 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel migration error 42000laravel 192 string seterror 1071 2842000 29 at line 76 3a specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes laravel1071 specified key was too long max key length is 1000 bytes 29 laravelilluminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception 3a sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29767 bytes laravelsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3bsqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60userslaravel schema string lengthsqlstate 5b42000 5d laravel1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes laravelartisan specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60permissions 60 add unique 60permissions name guard name unique 60 28 60name 60 2c 60guard name 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60failed jobs 60 add unique 60failed jobs uuid unique 60 28 60uuid 60 29 29string length laravel sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29spatie 2flaravel specified key was too long laravel 5 8 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28syntax error or access violation laravel wherelaravel syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29appserviceprovider laravel boot errorsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 28s ql 3a alter table 60users 60 add unique 60users email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29 in laravelspecified key was too long max key length is 767 bytes mariadbspecified key was too long max key length is 1000 bytes laravel 8sqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max kesyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 bytes 22 29laravel 8 ket to long errorsyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60sessions 60 add unique 60sessions id unique 60 28 60id 60 29 29access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60sellers 60 add unique 60sellers email unique 60 28 60email 60 29 29laravel specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000 byteslaravel 231071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytessyntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was t oo long 3b max key length is 1000 bytessqlstate 5b42000 5d 3a syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 767 bytes 28sql 3a alter table 60jobin users 60 add unique 60jobin users email un ique 60 28 60email 60 29 29syntax error or access violation 3a 1071 specified key was too long 3b max key length is 1000laravel specified key was too long 3b max key length laravel 6schema error laravel