select rainfall events and calculate rainfall event total from time series data

Solutions on MaxInterview for select rainfall events and calculate rainfall event total from time series data by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "select rainfall events and calculate rainfall event total from time series data"
25 May 2019
3# Set data column as POSIXct, important for calculating duration afterwards
4data <- data %>% mutate(DateTime = as.POSIXct(DateTime, format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'))
6flags <- data %>% 
7  # Set a rain flag if there is rain registered on the gauge
8  mutate(rainflag = ifelse(Precip_in > 0, 1, 0)) %>% 
9  # Create a column that contains the number of consecutive times there was rain or not.
10  # Use `rle`` which indicates how many times consecutive values happen, and `rep`` to repeat it for each row.
11  mutate(rainlength = rep(rle(rainflag)$lengths, rle(rainflag)$lengths)) %>% 
12  # Set a flag for an event happening, when there is rain there is a rain event, 
13  # when it is 0 but not for six consecutive times, it is still a rain event
14  mutate(
15    eventflag = ifelse(
16      rainflag == 1, 
17      1, 
18      ifelse(
19        rainflag == 0 & rainlength < 6, 
20        1, 
21        0
22      )
23    )
24  ) %>% 
25  # Correct for the case when the dataset starts with no rain for less than six consecutive times
26  # If within the first six rows there is no rain registered, then the event flag should change to 0
27  mutate(eventflag = ifelse(row_number() < 6 & rainflag == 0, 0, eventflag)) %>% 
28  # Add an id to each event (rain or not), to group by on the pivot table
29  mutate(eventid = rep(seq(1,length(rle(eventflag)$lengths)), rle(eventflag)$lengths))
31rain_pivot <- flags %>% 
32  # Select only the rain events
33  filter(eventflag == 1) %>% 
34  # Group by id
35  group_by(eventid) %>% 
36  summarize(
37    precipitation = sum(Precip_in),
38    eventStart = first(DateTime),
39    eventEnd = last(DateTime)
40  ) %>% 
41  # Compute time difference as duration of event, add 1 hour, knowing that the timestamp is the time when the rain record ends
42  mutate(time = as.numeric(difftime(eventEnd,eventStart, units = 'h')) + 1)
45#> # A tibble: 2 x 5
46#>   eventid precipitation eventStart          eventEnd             time
47#>     <int>         <dbl> <dttm>              <dttm>              <dbl>
48#> 1       2          0.07 2017-10-06 17:00:00 2017-10-06 22:00:00     6
49#> 2       4          0.01 2017-10-07 15:00:00 2017-10-07 15:00:00     1
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