send a custom plugin message to said server

Solutions on MaxInterview for send a custom plugin message to said server by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "send a custom plugin message to said server"
01 Sep 2018
1	// Sending
2ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
3out.writeUTF("Forward"); // So BungeeCord knows to forward it
5out.writeUTF(channelName); // The channel name to check if this your data
7ByteArrayOutputStream msgbytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
8DataOutputStream msgout = new DataOutputStream(msgbytes);
9try {
10	msgout.writeUTF(dataToSend);
11	msgout.writeShort(shortAlsoIntDataToSend);
12} catch (IOException exception){ exception.printStackTrace(); }
17System.out.println("Sending message");
18playerSender.sendPluginMessage(main, "BungeeCord", out.toByteArray());
20	//Responce
21String subChannel = in.readUTF();
22short len = in.readShort();
23byte[] msgbytes = new byte[len];
26DataInputStream msgin = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(msgbytes));
27String somedata = msgin.readUTF(); // Read the data in the same way you wrote it
28short somenumber = msgin.readShort();
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