showing results for - "send event to child component angular"
10 Jun 2018
3eventsSubject: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
5emitEventToChild() {
12<child [events]="eventsSubject.asObservable()"> </child>
17private eventsSubscription: Subscription;
19@Input() events: Observable<void>;
22  this.eventsSubscription = => doSomething());
25ngOnDestroy() {
26  this.eventsSubscription.unsubscribe();
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receive data from child to parent angularoutput in angular componentshare data from parent to child angular 6angular eventemitter from parent to childoutput decorator in angularhow to emit event from parent to child componentangular send message to parentcall event in child component to parent angularemit an event from a parent to child component in angular 10angular parent emit event to childangular event from parent to childangular invoke events on parent components from childpass event from parent to child angularinput out parameter in angular with codeemit event to childangular emit change to child componentparentdata angularemit event from parent to child angular 1 c3 a0emit event from child to parent angularangular listen on event from parent to childparent child component in angularsend event to child angularangular input from parent to childhow to use output angularhow to pass value to child component using 40output in angularparent to childangular communication between child componentsget data from child component angularangular outputnotify child component angularangular 10 event to child elementangular send message from parent to childfrom parent to child angularemit to parent angularangular pass event down to child componentemit events to childpass event to child component angularangular emit event to parenthow to catch event in parent and then pass it to childrenangular pass parameter from parent componentinput output in angularpassing event to child angularemit event to non parent angularemit events from parent to child angular 10angular 40input exampleangular 40input 40outputangular parent send message to childhow to pass trigger child event in angulardata passing in angular component from child to parentevent emitter to parent componentchild to parent using eventemitter angular 8angular8 fire event from child to parentpass data from and to componentsangular pass event to child componenttransfer data component to component angularsend subject to 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eventsend event to child component angularsend event from parent to childaction for child to parent angular 8send event to child component angular