sequelize where more than

Solutions on MaxInterview for sequelize where more than by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "sequelize where more than"
27 Jun 2019
1//First method
2// selecting authorityId :12 or 13
4  where: {
5    [Op.or]: [
6      { authorId: 12 },
7      { authorId: 13 }
8    ]
9  }
02 Aug 2018
1      // Number comparisons
2      []: 6,                              // > 6
3      [Op.gte]: 6,                             // >= 6
4      []: 10,                             // < 10
5      [Op.lte]: 10,                            // <= 10
6      [Op.between]: [6, 10],                   // BETWEEN 6 AND 10
7      [Op.notBetween]: [11, 15],               // NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15
31 Apr 2020
1// second method
2// selecting authorityId :12 or 13
4  where: {
5    authorId: {
6      [Op.or]: [12, 13]
7    }
8  }
queries leading to this page
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