set path in windows

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showing results for - "set path in windows"
05 Mar 2018
1set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin
23 Sep 2019
4 1º - Open Finder
5 2º - Choose Go > Go to folder
6 3º - Go to ~/Library/
7 4º - Look for hidden files: Cmd + Shift + . (dot) 
8 5º - Depending on the shell you use, the file can be .bash_profile, or .bashrc, or .zshrc, ...
9 6º - Open that file in the text editor
10 7º - Add the new path like: export PATH="$PATH:"User/new_path/..."
11 8º - Test in your command line if it worked: echo $PATH
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