shortest remaining time first scheduling program in python

Solutions on MaxInterview for shortest remaining time first scheduling program in python by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "shortest remaining time first scheduling program in python"
02 Feb 2019
1Processes  Burst time  Waiting time  Turn around time
2 1        6         3        9
3 2        8         16        24
4 3        7         8        15
5 4        4         0        3
6Average waiting time = 6.75
7Average turn around time = 12.75
07 Jan 2019
1Processes  Burst time  Waiting time  Turn around time
2 1        4         3        9
3 2        7         16        24
4 3        3         8        15
5 4        5         0        3
6Average waiting time = 6.75
7Average turn around time = 12.75