sort array php

Solutions on MaxInterview for sort array php by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "sort array php"
22 Mar 2016
2$fruit = array("apple","banana","mango","orange","strawbary");
4sort($fruit);       //arrange in ascending order
5echo "<pre>";
8rsort( $fruit);     //sort in descending order
9foreach($fruit as $val)
11    echo $val."<br>";
14$girl = array("krisha"=>20,"yashvi"=>30,"ritu"=>4,"pinal"=>80);
15asort($girl);       //sort in ascending order according to value
18ksort($girl);   //sort in ascending order according to key
21arsort($girl);      //sort in descending order according to value
24krsort($girl);      //sort in descending order according to key
05 Jul 2018
1//php 7+
2usort($inventory, function ($item1, $item2) {
3    return $item1['price'] <=> $item2['price'];
09 Aug 2016
2$fruits = array("d" => "lemon", "a" => "orange", "b" => "banana", "c" => "apple");
4foreach ($fruits as $key => $val) {
5    echo "$key = $val\n";
8//Would output:
9c = apple
10b = banana
11d = lemon
12a = orange  
08 Oct 2018
4$fruits array("lemon""orange""banana""apple");
6foreach ($fruits as $key => $val) {
7    echo $val;
07 Jan 2021
1$price = array();
2foreach ($inventory as $key => $row)
4    $price[$key] = $row['price'];
6array_multisort($price, SORT_DESC, $inventory);
23 Oct 2019
1function aasort (&$array, $key) {
2    $sorter=array();
3    $ret=array();
4    reset($array);
5    foreach ($array as $ii => $va) {
6        $sorter[$ii]=$va[$key];
7    }
8    asort($sorter);
9    foreach ($sorter as $ii => $va) {
10        $ret[$ii]=$array[$ii];
11    }
12    $array=$ret;
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phphow to sort array of arrays in phphow php sort worksphp order assoc array based on datorder array php natsorthow to short asc to desc in phpphp array sort by fieldphp sort numbers arraycustom sort array in phphow to sort values in php arraysort array numbers phpsort array by value 2c keep index phpsort array by array field phpin php sort associative arrays in descending order 2c according to the value which sorting function is used sort array element asc phphow to order elements in phpsort associative array php by valuesort by value associative array phpsort ascending order wise array basis of column in phpphp get sort by created atphp array orderbyphp array sorting libraryhow to sort array values in phpphp sort array with integerssort array ascending order phpphp sorting operationsarray sort by value in phpsort array without using sort function in phpphp sort array by valueset string array in alphabetical order phparray order in phpshort array phporder by number in array phpsort 3 evel array phphow to reverse sort in phpphp sort array by value ascendingphp sort numberssort value array phpphp custom array sortphp associative array sortcan we sort collections in phpphp order an array by valuephp array indices ordersort assoc array phpphp order arraysort array by array value phpsort an array by value phphow to sort arrays phpphp array sorting order byphp array sort by value ascsort numeric phparray orrder phpsort by column php arrayphp sort array functionsarray inside array value sort phpassociative array sort by column value in phpphp sort numbers low to highsort array largest to smallest phpascending order function in phpphp array by orderphp sort array and return arrayphp order array by datasort lit number phpinteger sorting in phpphp order an array of arrays based on a valuesort array php foreachhow to sort in phpsort array on value phparray vakue sort in ascending order depend on key in in phpphp order by valphp sort an array by value3 array in sort in phpsort array of associative arrays phpphp array values sorthow to order one array in phpphp sort array low to highphp sort array remove keysphp sort return arrayphp sort array by key valuefind 5 sorted values of array phpphp sorting array by valuesort php array in order of values numericphp order by array key valuephp order by value in arrayphp sort array by alphabetical orderascending order php arraysort 28 29 in php explanationphp sort and return arraysort php array by valuearray value set in ascending order in phpphp order an arrayphp 7 array order byhow to sort numeric array phporder php arraysort desc array phpfunction sort array in decending order in phpphp natural sort array by valuesort the array phpsort array phporder associative array by index php sort algorithm array phpphp sort array by key and valuearray ar sort phphow to sort num in phpphp sort not workingphp order ascendingphp order by valuephp sorting associative array by keyphp sort asc alphabeticalsort array column phpphp revert sort array of arrayssort array by valuein phpphp array sort valuesphp sorting functionsreturn sort in phpfonction sort phphow to sort associative array by value in phpsorting arrays phphow to sort an array phpsort int array phpphp recalc sort ordermake order by in phphow to return sorted array in phpsort array php functionorder by arraysort by bestseller phpphp sort array returns 1sort list by lowest to highest number phpacs order array with name phpsort array php in accendingphp sort object in array in ascending ordering by prophow to sort php array and printphp use options to sort resultshow sort array max value in phpsort array by int phphow to sort numeric array in phpphp sort associative array by columnsort array by alphabetical phpperform all sorting associative array phpphp sort by valuessorting array in php 7 3php sort arryhow to sort by higest value phpphp integer array sort descfind is the array in ascending order phphow to sorting array phpcreate order list php from 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functionchange order by a string in array phpsort bar phpsort arry by key and value phpwhich types of sorting array in phptypes of sort array phpphp sort a array of valueordering array element by asccending in phpphp sorting operationhow custom the sort in array in php array soort in phpsort numbers in ascending order array phpphph sort arrayphp sort int arrayadd value to array based on preference order phpphp sort by latestsorting 1d array phparray create for sorting phporder by value phpphp sortrphp order array ascendingasort and ksort in phpselect array php arrange baik baiksort words in array in ascending order phpsorting numbers in array phpsort by values in phpphp sort by array indexphp sort high to lowsort an array of key valuesphp sort matrixphp list sortphp sorting arrayarray orderby phparray order phpsorting in asceding order in phpsort alpheric phpsort php without functionsort array php return arrayphp sort arrasort funktionen phpsorting array dec order phpvalue diffrence short by disending order phpphp sort by functionphp ascending order listsort in array phpsort array in ascending and descending order in phpphp sort array by namewhat does sort array do phpphp sort associatarray descending by valuephp array sort key hashsort array php ascendingsort array of arrays by a index in phpphp sort products by valuesphp array sort arrayphp order array for an itemphp array sort by columnhow to sort an array in php max to minsort array manually phpphp array sort on namearray sort i phpsort by value in array phpphp sort array alphabetsort 28 29 on associative arrays phpphp sort order bysort values from greatest to least in associative array phpphp7 sort functionsorting array in ascending order php sort array by a value phparray sort on array valueorder array with more than one specification phpphp sort 28 29php array sory va 3bueset array order in phpphp how to sort an array of numbersphp array doppelt sortierenfunction used to sort the arrayu sort with decending order in phpsort arrays phpphp sort array of arrays in rowsort array by valus phpphp 2b order array by valuesort 280in phphchange sequence of array data phpsort array for valuesort wp phpphp array sort boolphp numerical array sorthow to sort an array of numbers in phpsort array by name phpphp sorting functionsort array in reverse in phpsorting functions in phpphp sort string 26 numeric array descendingphp array sort ascendingarray sort php numberfunction to sort string values in phpsort array php by alphabetical valuephp arrange array by valuearray arrange phpphp sort array values alphabeticalsortarray in phpphp native sort array by valuephp sort array and returnhow to sort php array manuallyphp sort array of values and array of indexsort algorithm php on associative arraysql data sort php php sortbyphp sort array based on valuehow to sort array on certainn valuessort assoc array by value phpsort array values phpphp order items examplearray order desc phpsorting algorithms in phpfilter and sort in phpphp sort array callbaclkphp sort array by valuesphp asort numberphp sort numbers in arrayphp sort array of arrays buy valueobject to array sorting phpphp diacritics array sortarray sorting in php without functionphp sort array alphabeticallyphp order array functionhow to make ascending order in phpsort alphabetically phpphp sort array with valueadd order array list php php sort arraysort array in ascending words phporder array collection phpphp sort associativephp sort araayarray sort php callbackphp sort array with callbackphp foreach sortnumber sorting in phparrange array by value phpphp order desc arraysort array numeric asc phphow to sort an array inside array phparray order by value phpsort function phpsort array php by columnphp sort by asc on arraysort array by item phpphp 2b sort arrayphp sort stringphp order array alphabeticallyarray to order list phpar sort phpsort an array php by valuephp sorterphp array sortierenphp sort array according to valuephp array of string sortphp sorting unction dstop sorting after condition sort string according in phpsort array numerically phpphp orderarray associvave key valuephp sort array by value is arrayphp sorting arrayshow to make the array values in ascending order in phpphp sort an array of numbers array sort in phpphp sort array descending by valuephp sort and coding of stringarray position sort in phpreorder array phpwrite a function that returns a sorted array in phpphp how to sort array of numbersorderby phpsort numbers in phpphp order asc arrayssort array php by valuesort the array of value in acending order phporder array by array phparrange the array in ascending order in phpsort array php descnew sorted array phpphp array element arrange according to valuesorty array php ascphp sort numbericphp sort associative array by valuearray php sorthow to sort array index phpphp orderyby arrayphp and sort associative arrayordering array phpphp sort array keys ascendingsort itnegers phpphp sorting with for functionsorting array phparray sorting code in phpphp arrry sortphp reorder assoarraysort array with for phparray column and sort get id phpphp sort array preserve indexessort numeric array in phpphp sort algorithms descsort functions in array phparray sort by number phporder phpphp sort array key ascendingphp order by key valuearrsort phpphp sort array of stringshow to sort array data in php without using functionphp array value sort descsortir boucle phpphp sorting array by numbersortby in phpphp arrange array valuesorting in array in phpsort methods in phpphp sort descascending order sort by value in phparray sort in php ascendingphp sort only some elements in arrayphp sort array by value descendingsort arraty phpsort only values but not keys in phporder array custom phpphp array asc to decphp sort array valuephp sort value in associative arraysort array in php without functionphp how to sort a collectionsort an array of valuesphp arrary sortphp sort a compound non associative array considering all columnsusort for sorting array in descending order in phphp aray sortphp custom order arrayprint array using sort array phpphp order array by elementhow to order an array in phpphp doc sortphp sort int array ascphp sort all the arrayarray sorting logic in phpphp sorting with forsort array values with keys phpsort array phpphp array sort by valuephp sort array valuesphp array sort by array indexusort associative array phpsort numbers phpphp sorting operatorphp order by sort functions in php file by alphabetsort array with sort function phpstring number sortin phpsort and create new array phpphp choose sortable data asort itemsort array php pages in correct orderphp sort alphabeticallyphp sort arrays by columnarray ordering by value phpphp sort array of arrays on rowphp array sort deschow to sort value in array in php with examplesort associative array in php without using functionsort associative array in ascending order phpsort algorithm array number phpsort array reverse phpwhich of the functions is used to sort an array in descending order in php 7ephp sort arrayarrays sorting phpphp sort array 5b0 5d 5b1 5dwhat type is php array sortorder associative array by value phporder arary phpsort array with phplist sorting phpphp collecting data and arrangesort method phpgrouping order numbers phpsort an array descending phpvsort 28 29 phpphp array sort get booleanphp sort numbers ascending from databaseget array elements in order phpsort by number phpphp sort array of arrays by valuephp sort by associative array valuephp sort array numbersorder by phpphp sort array by value in arrayphp sort operatorphp array order by valuesort price array phparray sord in phpphp sort for valuephp sort by elements inside an arrayphp sort levenshtein arraysort array of number phpphp sort by specific valueorder by menu sort phpphp sort associative array by keyphp array sortingascending order phpfilter sort phpphp re sort array collectionphp sort array by positionphp ascending orderphp sort conditiondata sorting in phpphp sort array by arrayprint order function in phpphp order collectionphp sort asc descsort integer array based on value in phpphp order by associative arrayphp how to sort numbers with a for functionsort array ascending phpcreate sort in phpphp array sort by column valuesort array by an value phpphp array orderbyphp sort associative array by key namearray ascending order in phparray ascending order in php without using functionphp array sort on valuephp sort functionshow to order array phpsort array asc phpphp array sort by namesorrt array phpphp array sorting by valueorder array by defined valuehow to order data array in phpsort function in phpphp sort lowest to highest numbersphp array sortir tout les idphp associative array sort by keyphp sort array by key 7evaluephp sort value by value descsort array in phpphp sorting numbers arraysort array data in correct order phpphp order array of arrays by valueorder numbers ascending o 28n 29 phpphp if sortsort array filesin phpsort array php