sort list in python

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showing results for - "sort list in python"
02 Jan 2021
1#1 Changes list
3#2 Returns sorted list
4sorted(list, reverse=True)
20 May 2017
1my_list = [9, 3, 1, 5, 88, 22, 99]
3# sort in decreasing order
4my_list = sorted(my_list, reverse=True) 
7# sort in increasing order
8my_list = sorted(my_list, reverse=False) 
11# another way to sort using built-in methods
15# sort again using slice indexes
18# Output
19# [99, 88, 22, 9, 5, 3, 1]
20# [1, 3, 5, 9, 22, 88, 99]
21# [99, 88, 22, 9, 5, 3, 1]
22# [1, 3, 5, 9, 22, 88, 99]
15 Sep 2017
1# sort() will change the original list into a sorted list
2vowels = ['e', 'a', 'u', 'o', 'i']
4# Output:
5# ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
7# sorted() will sort the list and return it while keeping the original
8sortedVowels = sorted(vowels)
9# Output:
10# ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
03 Apr 2016
1# defning A as a list
2A.sort(reverse = True)
04 Mar 2019
1>>> a = [5, 2, 3, 1, 4]
2>>> a.sort()
3>>> a
4[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
11 Jun 2018
2This will sort the given list in ascending order.
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sorterusing sort method listpython sort numberspython sort examplessort function for listspython sort fucntionpython list won 27t sortsort array in ascending order pythonpython sorting listhow to sort in ascending order pythonhow to sort the items in a list from low to high pythonreverse sort list in pythonsort 28 29 pythonpython alphabetize listhow to find ascending numbers in a list pythonsort int list pythonhow to use sort in pythonpython sort list largest to smallestpython list sort by numberhow to make a lsit in python is ascending ordersort list of lists 2b pythonsort list in pytonlist sort by functionpython sort list ascendingwhere we use sort 28 29 in list funhow to change a list to least to greatest in python 5dlist sortpython list sortedalphabetize in pythonsort by list elementpython sort syntaxpython sort list backwardspython sort list of lists descendingsort list by value python and reverse sortsort list ascending pythonreverse sort list python functionsort list backward pythosort a list of integers pythonhow do i sort list in pythonwhat the order of elements in a list pythonlist methods in python to sorthow to sort list in ascending order pythonlist sort pyhonsort function list pthonlist orderby sortpython sort list to corrct seuqncesort list in listsorting in pyhtonsorting python listhow to sort a list in reverse pythonpython sorting array of intshow to sort by list pythonascending and print pythonwhy is there a statement sort in pythonhow to sort in python using keysort lisst pythonsort in python arraypython sort lsit sort python arraysort list descending in pythondescending sort in python listpython sort numbers array ordenate a int list pythonpython sort by functionsort numbers in decending order pythonreverse sort list pythonsort 28 29 example pythonsort python librarysorting in list in pythonsort by pythonpython sort cmdsort content in a list pythonsort in descending order pythonsort list in pythinreverse sorted pythonpython lists to sortsorting listpython sort highest to lowestreverse sort arary pythonsort list python based on keyhow to sort a list in pypython library to sort listpython check if list is in descending orderhow to sort in pythonoreder listwhich sort does the sort 28 29 function do in pythonsort from smallest to largest python listshow to sort list reversepython sort array in ascending ordersort a list inplace pythonlist sort reversesort list of list in pythoninvert list order pythonpandas sort listpython sort lpython code on how to sort numbers in listsort lists pythonsortby descending pythonpython sort lsit descending ordersort list python using functionsort descending list pythonsort list in python 3 in descending orderpyhon sort listhow to rearange list in pythonsort array python reversewhat is sort method doing in pythonsort function reverese pythonsorty array pythonsort an list in pythonpython order function listhow to use sort command pythonarrange list in ascending ordersort function in pythonpython sort revsort fun list pythonhow to sort a list backwardsarrange number in list in descending ordersort list in puythonascending order of a list in pythonhow to arrange numbers in ascending order in pythonpython arrange list in ascending ordersort pyhtonpython sort keyhow to sort array in pythonsort function python listssort function for list in pythonsort python reverse directionsort items in list pythonhow to sort numbers in pythonsort the list in pythpnsort 28 29in pythonsort list in darhow to sort on pythonsort int array pythondescending order pythonsort list by valuesorting of listlist sort pyhow to srt list in pythonsort list to listhow to arrange the list in descending order in pythonpython organize array from least to greatestsorting list of lists pythonhow to sort a list in python in reverse orderpython pandas how to sort using datepython sort ascdingypython sort listsort by pythonfunction to sort a list in pythonpython sort funtionwhat does sort 28 29 do in python python array sortsort in list in pythonsort in python 3python sort implementationsorting list of numbers in pythonsort 28 29 in pythonhow to sort an array in descending order in pythonhow does sort function in pyhton order list function in pythonsorting list pythonsorting function in pythonlist sort by pythonpy sort reverseorder listcan we pop multiple items from list in pythonhow to use sort key pythonhow to order numbers in a list in pythonuse sort method in list pythonpython functions sorthow to sort a list in python in o 28n 29python print list in numerical ordersrot array list pythonsorted list in list pythonlist in python sortprint list in ascending order pythonascending order in pythonusing the sort function in pythonwhat does sort list do in pythonsort method list pythonsort key 3d pythpnpython how to sortpython sort function on a listascendinf order in pythonsort array of integer in pythondescending order sort in pythonsort a list dartpython order a list of numbershow to make a list in python goes in descending ordersorting a integer list in pythonpython sort 29 3dsorting list in pythonhow to sort list in python in descending orderorder list pythonpython sort int arraysort list of listsort list in python in placeorder descending pythonsorted reverse pythonsorting all lists in a list pythonprint array in decending order bin pythonlist sort functionhow to do reverse looping in python alphapbetize function in pythonpython sort librarypython sorted reversort the list in n pythonreverse sort array in pythonsort in list pythonpython sort list by values descendingpython sort array reverseto print ascending order and descending order in pythonpython sort list based onuniquely sort list python3how to sort array in reverse order pythonpython sort strings in reverser ordersorted reverseorder list of numbers pythonreverse order of list pythonsort in listpython 2 sort ascending orderlist python ascendingsorting a list in python deschow to sort alist in pythonsort python syntaxsort a list pythonhow to sort a list in descending ordersort list by pythonhow to short a list in pythonascending order array in pythonlist sort reverse pythonsort ascending pythonphyton sort listpython sort list by value descendinginvirse sort pythonhow to sort a list in python descending orderpython sortpython print in descending ordersort list pytonsort function descending pythonhow to sort a list from highet to lowest in pythonfunction to sort in descending order pythonbuilt in function to sort a list in pythonsort elements in listpython function to sort a listarray sort in pythoonpython order list of numberssort lists in reverse order pythonhow to sort list of lists in pythonpython sort a listrput numbers in size order pythonpythoin sort list of dtetimehow to reverse order in pythonsorted list by item pythonreverse sort in pythonpythop sort listpython ascending listsort implementation pythonpython 3 sort list how to sort a list ina sort 28 29python list reverse orderpython sort list uses which algorithmsorted reverse sort pythonsort number in descending order pythonpython sort a list of intspython sorted descending ordersort list puthon 5csorting python list by vlauehow to use key in sort pythonpython osrt a listpython array sorthow to sort list in python without sort functionpython sort list by sort list into listhow can i sort a list in pythonsorting a list in pythinpytho sort listsort 28 in pythonsort python functionsorted 28number 5bi 3a 5d 29 pyselection sort in pythonsort list in pythinbhow to sort a list in python in ascending ordersorting python descending orderpython list orderby name descpython sorted revresedsort list python from bigger to smallerlist decreasing orderpyton sort listsort liste pythonhow to arrange a list in descending order in pythonsort a list in descending order pythonhow to change order of a list to descendinglist sort 28 29python sort function numberspython arrange listpython sort array by numberlist sort 28 list 29 sort 28 29 in python how to sort a list in descending order pythonpython sort reversedhow to sort list within listhow to sort list descending in pythonhow to order values pythonpython sort in reversesorting of numbers in pythonelementen sort pythonsortunf a listhow to sort lislt in pythonsorting a list in pythonpython how to order a listsort list by value pythonorder list in pyhton how to sort a list in ascending order in pythonsort the list in pythonsort an integer array in pythonsort lists pythonprint list in descending order pythonpython sort list in order bypython sort list by highest numberpython list increasing ordersort function in pytonsort list by ascending pythonsort list within listhow to make a list in ascending order in pythonwhat is key in sort pythonpyhton reverse sortpython sort list by column descendingdescending sort in pythonquick sort linked list pythonlist order by pythonpython list sort inversesort list of lists in pythonpython sort two listpython sorted descendingpython sort rraysort in python 3 list inthow to sort a list from largest to smallest pythonsort key pythonpython ordered listsort list manually pythonpython reverse the order of a listsorting an array in descending order in pythonsort a list by value python o 28n 29sort this listreturn sort list pythonsort list of numbers pythonpython sort a list of listpython sort list by functionprinting descending in pythonsort values in listhow to sort list from z a pythonhow to sort numbers in a list pythonsort a fucntion in pythonpython3 sortable listpython order a listpython list ssorthow to write soemthing in correct ordr list pythonsort for list in pythonsort 28 29 list pythonsort list elements in pythonto order the numbers in the listsort a list in descending order python without using inbuilt functionsort by descending order pythonsort array pythonhow to print in descending order in pythonpython soprt listsort list method pythonsort number list python with traditionalpython sort list in descending orderlist py sortpython sort elements in listsort element in a listreverse sorting in python of listreverse order sort pythonsort arr in reverse pythonsort a list pythinreverse in python in sortpython list sort reversepython sort listahow to organise lists in pythonpython sort discendinghow to alphabetize in pythonsort 28 29 function in pythonl sort in python reversesorting list pythongwhat does python sort 28 29 dosorting lists in descending ordersort python by listprint a list in descending orsersorting a list in descending ordersort python list of listssorting lists pythonput inorder list in arrayhow to sort and reverse a list pythonhow to sort a list descending in pythonsort a list of integersorderer array pythonsort list python integerssorted python reversefunction to sort an integerlist in pythonlist sorted pythonhow to return list elements descending order in pythonfor all values of i 3cn in ascending order in pythonsort list python reversehow to sort list in descending order in pythonsort list in python by valuesort by the listpy sort a listsort list with sorted pythonsort a list of numbers in pythonsort list pysorted 28 29reverse 3dtruesort list with descending ordersort listpython sort usesorted decreasing order pythonsortable listhow to sort list inpythonsorting an array in descending order in pyhtinsorting in descending order in pythonkey in list sort pythonthe list is sorted into descending order 3a 2820 2c 15 2c 10 2c 5 2c 0 29list sort method pythonsort implement in pythonhow to sort a list in python decreasing ordersort function pythonhow to sort elements in list in pythonpython sort a list of numberspython arrange list by number sort list pythonorder numbers from least to greatest pythonhow to organize python listsort function in python with keysorting list of listsort list pythonsort a list in python in descending orderpython code for sorting a listsort list pyhtnhow to sort a an element in listlist sortsorting a listuse sort function in pythonsort arrya of numbers pythoncython sort listprint the list ordered in ascending and descending orderpython sort list by another listpython sort list acsorted in python reversehow to sort a list itemin pythonpython sort listsorder int array pythonsort in python functionpython sort items in listsort array largest to smallest pythonsort by descending pythonfunction for sorting listpython sorty by keysort list ythonsortt list in pythonhow to organise a list in pythonsort descending in listhow to sort in descending order in pythonhow to print a list in ascending order in pythonsort array in descending order in pythonsort element in list pythonpython reverse sort orderlist sort algorithm pythonlist reverse sort by key pythonhow to sort a list in python in descending ordersort a list by value pythonpython sort array in desc orderpython list sort by descendingsort the pythonpython sort functionnumber list sort pythonsorted list ascending pythonpythhon sort listpython how to sort an item from a listsort list to a new list in pythonsort list in descending ordersort numbers descending order pythonlist sort python 3reverse sorting in pythonsort a list based on a function pythonpython orderpython sort element in listsort list python 3how to order items in pythonsort list of listshow to sort list in pyhonwrite a statement that sorts in reverse order 28from largest to smallest 29 the list states in place how to sort from largest to smallest in pythonarrange array in ascending order pythonpython sort list how to sort a part of list in python decreasing ordersort pythonprogram for sorting a list in pythonsort decreasing pythonpython sort descendingpython sort bysorting in ascending in pythonsort lit pythonsyntax to sort list in pythonhow to reverse sort list in pythonsort in reversesort the python list methodsort a python list by valuesort python list 5csort the given numberin ascending order pythonwhat is sort in pythonsort 28 29 in a function python sort a list in pythonsort a list of numbers pythonpython ascend sortsort python list intascending list in pythonarray sort pythoninbuilt sort in pythonhow to organize a list pythonhow to sort a list of list in pythonhow to sort int list in pythonpython sorting greatest to leastpython sort lest of listspython sort list algorithmpython list sort documentationhow to declare python list in descending ordersort list pythonreverse sortlist sort in pythonhow to sort a list in python 5dsort a list descending pythonordering lists in pythonsurt numerical list pyhtonsort method in pythonsorting int list pythonarrange in ascending order pythonprint a list in reverse orderlist order in pythonpython sort in reverse ttruehow to order list in pythonhow to order in ascending or descending in pythonpython list sortpython sort by listpython sort ssorting a list of list in pythonpython sort and reverse listpython sort list integerspython descending orderpandas sortt listpython bisect descending listpython organize listhow to sort a list from highest number to lowest number in pythonsrt funtion on pythonnums sort pythonpython sort ordersorting in descending order algorithm pythonpython sort array of numbersdescending order fun pythonhow to order by in pythonpython list sortsort list in python