sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tabl

Solutions on MaxInterview for sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tabl by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tabl"
20 Feb 2018
1It seems Laravel is trying to use category_posts table (because of many-to-many relationship). But you don't have this table, because you've created category_post table. Change name of the table to category_posts.
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sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27karoliodb users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27supersms laravel blocker 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27slimsakasia8 rfid tables 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60rfid tables 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27relationshipsqlstate 42s02 base table or view not found 1146 table doesn 27t exist laravelsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27world admin tasks 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27gestion incidents incidents 27 doesn 27t exist sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27obox dash verifications 27 doesn 27t exist 22message 22 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table sessions doesn 27t exist sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table laravelsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27exo2 model stores 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60stores 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27schakels lids 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 42s02 base table or view not found 1146 table doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27bbq key value 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27 sessions 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27services db steud expu servs 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60steud expu servs 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27shipboard teams id 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27talkiyon db users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27x migrations 27 doesn 27t existbase table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27blog portfolio cache 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27blog users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found larasqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27rsan visitors 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60visitors 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27test defined data 27 doesn 27t existqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27lsky users 27 doesn 27t existr 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27mysql user 27 doesn 27t exsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27bushenge web2 donation 27 doesn 27t existbase table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27voter information worker info 27 doesn 27t existlaravel sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27blog blogs 27 doesn 27tsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27panel users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27authors names 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60names 60 29 sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table laravel 5 2sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27simsim users 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 where 60email 60 3dfix sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravel4 dbms 27 doesn 27t exist 2842s02 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27bagisto bagcategories 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27tanaya laravel projects employee models 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60employee models 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table laravelpdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27visuecst visuec stock live db orders 27 doesn 27t exist 22 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1932 tablelaravel 8 base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27audits 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1932 table 27samson site details 27 doesn 27t exist in enginesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27mysql proc 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a create definer 3d 60root 60 40 60localhost 60 7b 220 22 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27mageplaza login as customer 27qlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27myshop sessions 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60sessions 60 where 60id 60sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27users 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 where 60id 60 3d 1 limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27db food user models 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60user models 60 where 60email 60 3d zahed alam 40yahoo com and 60password 60 3d 12345678 limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravelblog posts 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60posts 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27asterisk digium phones general 27 doesn 27t exist 3a 3a pdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravel comments 27 doesn 27t exist 22 29original error was sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table matomo matomo option doesnt exist sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 belongtomanyilluminate 2fdatabase 2fqueryexception with message 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3asqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a php 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3asqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27db enrollment students 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60students 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27begisto block users 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60block users 60 where 60block users 60 60id 60 is null limit 1sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27ecom users 27 doesn 27tsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 laravelsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27ecommercelh subcategories 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27 plugin 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27zegashop store 83 1615464839 globals 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60globals 60 where 60globals 60 60id 60 3d 77 limit 1 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d lumensqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravel visitor 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27missit usr invites 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27softbtxp eclass languages 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60languages 60 where 60def 60 3d 1 limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found on drush migratesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27miracle miracle finder 27 does not exist shopware 6sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27 2a 2a 2a estatevisa oauth clients 27 doesn 27t existbase table or view not foundsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27library master categories 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27smartcash product product info 27 doesn 27tsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27storakmart sessions 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60sessions 60 where 60id 60 3d lotwfywefbtitce8rj8r9o72yoxgjuxbnfihox9e limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27khula sikshya menus 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60menus 60 where 60name 60 3d top menu limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1051 unknown table 27raaweb category gallery 27base table or view not found 3a 1146 table doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table global exception logs doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27afroshop offers 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60offers 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27chat lh userdep 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27pos3 5 system 27 doesn 27t exist 2842s02 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27ntec db general settings 27 doesn 27t exist 22table or view not foundbase table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27waste mgmt oauth personal access clients 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27tanaya laravel projects employees 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60employees 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27lawyer migrations 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27raaweb gallery categories runda gallery 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravel faqs 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60faqs 60 where 60in home 60 like y 29sqlstate 42s02 base table or view not foundsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table sessionlaravel sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 la tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table in live websitesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27horde horde prefs 27 doesn 27t existbase table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27jobs 27 doesn 27t existilluminate 2fdatabase 2fqueryexception with message 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1932pdoexception 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27default semap 22message 22 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table api 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3asqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a after migrationsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1932 table 27linnhr department 27 doesn 27t exist in engine 28sql 3a select 2a from 60department 60 29base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27pms user has permissions 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a insert into 60user has permissions 60sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27screwlive store website 27 doesn 27t exist 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27db products categories 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60categories 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a php 8sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27spondon demo users 27 doesn 27t existlaravel 8 base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27alifshop db audits 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27lottery sessions 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27monthlybill shop owners 27 doesn 27t exist in connection php line 671 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27webomlyn a1cake channels 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27ayakahuite config 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60config 60 limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27default watchdog 27 doesn 27t exist 3awhy sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table in live websitesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table many to many relation symfonydocksal sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not foundsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27insurancebroker companies 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27projetopap users 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 29 7b 220 22 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27pennieshopdb mageplaza login as customer 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27dbstore order items 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1051 unknown table migrationslstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 22message 22 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27cargo db system settings 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found symfonysqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27linkers webhook calls 27 doesn 27t exist atsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27dixandc5mcxxf3o6 user 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1051 unknown table 27insurance invoice 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravellte students 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60students 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27my database name posts 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table php artisansqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27myexpenses menulist 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60menulist 60 29base table or view not found 3a 1146sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27matica shopping carts 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a insert into 60shopping carts 60 28 60status 60 2c 60updated at 60 2c 60created at 60 29 values 28incompleted 2c 2021 05 31 20 3a33 3a04 2c 2021 05 31 20 3a33 3a04 29 29pdoexception 3a 3a 28sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table visuecst visuec stock live db orders doesnt exist 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27threeg customers 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27school news 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60news 60 292 pdoexception 3a 3a 28sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table table doesnt exist 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27wwtco lab users 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 where 60email 60 3d admin 40labkenya com limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27storakmart sessions 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60sessions 60 where 60id 60 3d uivvfjtwnuq5irp8qucuf6rwju74y4rvezqa8lge limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27crudfinal partner 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60partner 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27chat flights 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27crud basic posts 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60posts 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27s67 billing extension 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27my store order item 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a insert into 60order item 60 28 60product id 60 2c 60quantity 60 2c 60price 60 2c 60order id 60 29 values 283 2c 4 2c 872 2c 4 29 29base table or view not found 3a 1146 table users doesn 27t stripesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table magentoqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3asqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27asterisk digium phones general 27 doesn 27t exist 3a 3asqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27pizzahouse pizzas 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60pizzas 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablec in live websistepdoexception 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27demo storak latest users addresses 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users addresses 60 where 60users addresses 60 60user id 60 in 2837 29 and 60users addresses 60 60deleted at 60 is null 29 22 2csqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27hotels hotels 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60hotels 60 order by 60created at 60 desc 29pdoexception 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not foundsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27db rara ads web sessions 27 doesn 27tsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 site 3astackoverflow comsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1051 unknown tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27api tips 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60tips 60 where 60status 60 3d published order by 60created at 60 desc limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27asterisk voicemail admin 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27secondlook categories 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60categories 60 29 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 42s02 base table or view not found 1146 table magento 2illuminate 5cdatabase 5cqueryexception sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not foundsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1lumen sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27bitbroker products 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60products 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not foundhow fixed sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a alter table 60orders 60 add index 60orders id index 60 28 60id 60 29 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a alter tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27swiftdex3 locales 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 60locale 60 from 60locales 60 order by 60is active 60 desc 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27db rara ads web sessions 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60sessions 60 where 60id 60 3d 5vlsupm1pg3umcw3tvx7djihwoy2bux43127bivw limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a php8laravel sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablebase table or view not found laravelsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27monthlybill shop owners 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a insert into 60shop owners 60 28 60sarok no 60 2c 60updated at 60 2c 60created at 60 29 values 28fsfffg 2c 2021 09 16 15 3a27 3a23 2c 2021 09 16 15 3a27 3a23 29 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27multiple products 27 doesn 27t existlog error 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table and table existbase table or view not found 3asqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27ticketer statuses 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60statuses 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27blog tags 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60tags 60 29laravel base table or view not found hasmanybase table or view not found 3a 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27onetoone product models 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a insert into 60product models 60 28 60updated at 60 2c 60created at 60 29 values 282021 08 04 14 3a46 3a02 2c 2021 08 04 14 3a46 3a02 29 29error 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27personal cnb telefonos users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table on column renamesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27sofra settings 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60settings 60 limit 1 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27froxlor panel settings 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27asterisk digium phones general 27 doesn 27t exist 3a 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27jobsdb job location 27 doesn 27t exist laravelsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27 users 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3apdoexception 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1932 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27ticketeer statuses 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table token sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravel users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table sessionssqlstate 42s02 base table or view not found 1146 tablesqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27pms user has permissions 27 doesn 27t exist in laravelrror 3a sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27richlife sponsor user 27sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27aamezcourier categories 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a insert into 60categories 60 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27db christian blue featureds 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60featureds 60 29 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table migrate not working laravelsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27livelycartdb settings 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60settings 60 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27nvs tech users 27 doesn 27t exist 28sql 3a select 2a from 60users 60 where 28 60email 60 3d akhilnvsnemala 40gmail com 29 limit 1 29pdoexception 3a 3a 28 22sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27laravel mailboxes 27 doesn 27t exist 22 29sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27e learning users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 table 27tests users 27 doesn 27t existsqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a magento 2laravel sqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3asqlstate 5b42s02 5d 3a base table or view not found 3a 1146 tabl