str replace php

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showing results for - "str replace php"
09 Aug 2020
2//str_replace("Original Value", "Value to be replaced", "String");
3$result = str_replace("1", "2", "This is number 1");
4// Output: This is number 2
06 Mar 2019
1str_replace ($search, $replace, $subject);
02 Oct 2017
1$var1 = '';
2$var2 = str_replace(".", "-", $var1);
3echo $var2; // hello-world
29 Jan 2018
1echo str_replace("worss","world","Hello worss in PHP!!");
21 Jan 2021
1//replaces every occurence of $search with $replace in the string $subject
2str_replace ($search, $replace, $subject);
09 Sep 2017
1str_replace ( array|string $needle , array|string $needle_replacement , string|array $haystack , int &$output_count = null ) : string|array
2str_replace ($needle, $needle_replacement, $haystack, $output_count);
3  // $needle --> the string value or array of string values you're looking for
4  // $needle_replacement --> the string value or array of string values you'll replace the needle(s) with
5  // $haysytack --> the string or array of strings you'd like to search/replace needles in
6  // $output_count --> not an input, but can be used to get an aggregator to count how many needles were replaced
8str_replace ($needle, $needle_replacement, $haystack) //w/out count
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