strcpy 28 29 in c 2b 2b

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showing results for - "strcpy 28 29 in c 2b 2b"
21 Jan 2020
1What is strcpy() function in C++?
3It is a part of <cstring> header file in c++.
4strcpy() is a standard library function in C/C++ and is used to copy one string
5to another. In C it is present in string. h header file and in C++ it is
6present in cstring header file.
15 Jun 2018
1//When to use strcpy_s:
2//	Use strcpy_s to copy a const char[] array in read and write memory
3//How to use strcpy_s:
5//The location where the array is going to be copied to
6char* ptrToArray = new char[sizeof(testArray)]
8//The Array that gets copied To ptrToArray;
9const char[] testArray = "Test Array";
11strcpy_s(ptrToArray, sizeof(testArray), testArray);
13//Modify the copied array
14testArray[i] = 'A'