string function in php

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showing results for - "string function in php"
05 Feb 2017
1check out php manual >
30 Oct 2016
1returning portion of a string
07 Jul 2016
2$x = 'kinjal';
3echo "Length of string is: ".strlen($x);
4echo "<br>Count of word: ".str_word_count($x);
5echo "<br>Reverse the string: ".strrev($x);
6echo "<br>Position of string: ".strpos('Have a nice day!','nice');  //2 argument
7echo "<br>String replace: ".str_replace('good','nice','have a good day!');  //3 argument
8echo "<br>String convert to uppercase: ".strtoupper($x);
9echo "<br>String convert to lowercase: ".strtolower($x);
10echo "<br>convert first character into uppercase: ".ucfirst('good day');
11echo "<br>convert first character into lowercase: ".lcfirst('Good noon');
12echo "<br>convert first character of each word into uppercase: ".ucwords('keep going on!');
13echo "<br>Remove space from left side: ".ltrim("        hi..");
14echo "<br>Remove space from right side: ".rtrim("hello          ");
15echo "<br>Remove both side of space: ".trim("       keep learning       ");
16echo "<br>string encrypted with MD5: ".md5($x);
17echo "<br>Compare both string: ".strcoll('Hello','Hello')."<br>".strcmp('kinjal',$x);
18echo "<br>Return part of string: ".substr('Hello Everyone',2);
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