string punctuation python

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showing results for - "string punctuation python"
14 Jul 2016
1import string 
2print (string.punctuation)          # !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
3sentence = "Hey guys !, How are 'you' ?"
4for i in sentence:
5    if i in string.punctuation:
6        print(i)  	 				# ! , ' ' ?
28 Aug 2018
1Syntax : string.punctuation
2Parameters : Doesn’t take any parameter, since it’s not a function.
3Returns : Return all sets of punctuation.
4CASE: 1  
5# import string library function  
6import string  
7# Storing the sets of punctuation in variable result  
8result = string.punctuation  
9# Printing the punctuation values  
11#OUTPUT : !"#$%&'()*+, -./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
13CASE: 2
14# import string library function  
15import string  
17# An input string. 
18sentence = "Hey, Geeks !, How are you?"
19for i in sentence:   
20    # checking whether the char is punctuation. 
21    if i in string.punctuation: 
22        # Printing the punctuation values  
23        print("Punctuation: " + i) 
25# Output:
27# Punctuation:,
28# Punctuation: !
29# Punctuation:,
30# Punctuation: ?
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