style cards react

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29 Feb 2019
2  <Card bg="primary" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
3    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
4    <Card.Body>
5      <Card.Title>Primary Card Title</Card.Title>
6      <Card.Text>
7        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
8        of the card's content.
9      </Card.Text>
10    </Card.Body>
11  </Card>
12  <br />
14  <Card bg="secondary" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
15    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
16    <Card.Body>
17      <Card.Title>Secondary Card Title</Card.Title>
18      <Card.Text>
19        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
20        of the card's content.
21      </Card.Text>
22    </Card.Body>
23  </Card>
24  <br />
26  <Card bg="success" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
27    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
28    <Card.Body>
29      <Card.Title>Success Card Title</Card.Title>
30      <Card.Text>
31        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
32        of the card's content.
33      </Card.Text>
34    </Card.Body>
35  </Card>
36  <br />
38  <Card bg="danger" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
39    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
40    <Card.Body>
41      <Card.Title>Danger Card Title</Card.Title>
42      <Card.Text>
43        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
44        of the card's content.
45      </Card.Text>
46    </Card.Body>
47  </Card>
48  <br />
50  <Card bg="warning" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
51    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
52    <Card.Body>
53      <Card.Title>Warning Card Title</Card.Title>
54      <Card.Text>
55        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
56        of the card's content.
57      </Card.Text>
58    </Card.Body>
59  </Card>
60  <br />
62  <Card bg="info" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
63    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
64    <Card.Body>
65      <Card.Title>Info Card Title</Card.Title>
66      <Card.Text>
67        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
68        of the card's content.
69      </Card.Text>
70    </Card.Body>
71  </Card>
72  <br />
74  <Card bg="dark" text="white" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
75    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
76    <Card.Body>
77      <Card.Title>Dark Card Title</Card.Title>
78      <Card.Text>
79        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
80        of the card's content.
81      </Card.Text>
82    </Card.Body>
83  </Card>
84  <br />
86  <Card bg="light" style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
87    <Card.Header>Header</Card.Header>
88    <Card.Body>
89      <Card.Title>Light Card Title</Card.Title>
90      <Card.Text>
91        Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk
92        of the card's content.
93      </Card.Text>
94    </Card.Body>
95  </Card>
96  <br />
queries leading to this page
information cards reactcard react componentcreate news website cards reactreact js card exampleput the title and text in the middle of card react bootstrapcards reactcard with images in react bootstrapcard with image and information reactedit contact card in reactadd boostrap cards reactreact letter cardshow to make card in react js stylingmaking cards reactreact bootstrap card footercard form react bootstrapreact carddeck middle card css reactreact bootstrap cards examplejsx card codehow to make card content in react jsreact card staperuse for in reactjs card showreplace card img with color react bootstrapavatar card with lists reactjs bootstrappreact bootstrap profile cardhow to make 6 cards in react jscard image bootstrap reactreact boostrap card image overlaycard deck react bootstrapreact bootsramp footer card imghow to style card components in reactreact sign up cardadding attributes to cards reactreact grid of cardsreact images cardscard style react native elementsadd item card in reactdiv class card reactjsreact add icon which creates cardsreact bootstrap card bg not workingreact bootstrap card text coloralien cards in react jsreact card viewhow to make cards in react jsreact component card that grow in size on click how add cards with imge in jsximport card js reactreact cards csscreating a card component in reactcreate list of user profile cards reactreact card componenthow to make a card reactreact css cardscard img react bootstrapcard ui design react jsmake cards with bootstrap and reactreact card component csscss style react cardscard in react js bootstrapreact js cardscreer une card en react jshow to create a responsive cards in react using css tutorialreact bootstrap simple card react js product cardbuilding a card in react jsstyling for card in reactreact form with cardsnews card design in react jsimport react bootstrap card and cardgroupreact template cardsgive classes to card reactjsreact tider cardreact with card examplecard from bottom reactreact template people list cardcard style code in react nativehow to render cards in reactcards library reactjscard text colors in react bootstrap2 card element in 1 react pageresponsive bootstrap react cardscard component in react jscard secion in reactjsstyling card deck react bootstrapcenter cards with react bootstraphorizontal card react bootstrapreact bootstrap card text colorwelcome card component react templatecan i use use cards for making forms in reactjs bootsrapcard in reactstyling cards in reactjsbootstrap card reactreact card stylingbootstrap profile card reactreact pricingcard title objectcard component as button reactreact card linkhow to center react bootstrap cardscolourful cards reactreact bootstrap cardreact card bootstrapbootstrap react card imgcard styles reactcard making in jsxhorizontal cards react bootstrapreact bootstrap overlay cardsreact cards outline stylehow to create cards in reacts jsreact bootstrap card componentsreact jsx cardcards react componentscard in bootstrap 4 reacthot to use bootstrap cards in react nativehow to display card decks in reactreact give card stylingreqact cards examplecss react cardcard group in react bootstrap 4change card attributes reactreact card subtitlecard with links in reactmaking a basic card reactreact bootstrap card textreact bootstrap list of cards react bootstrapreact cards with image and buttonhow to make a card in reactblog card react bootstrapreact js bootstrap cardreact card stylecards responsive in reactcard react bootstrapcard in react bootstrapcards style css react jrcard componet in react tsreact contact cardreact bootstrap card with imagecard in ract jscard component react js examplecard in react bootstrap as a user i want to see a list of cards with image 2c description and title react js mobileusing bootstrap card in reactreact tinder cardlist card and card in reactcard component reactreact bootstrap cardsadding cards in columns in reactreact card liststyle card in reactcard styling reactcreate react app cardscard img variantcss card reactcards reactjscustom product card react sampalereact bootstrap responsive cardsreact css card 27react how to make a cardbuilding cards in reactreact bootstrap 2c cards cssreact js card componentsreact js cards from left sidemake a card reactcard with header reactimport react bootstrap cardcard img reactreact card componentscards on react different sizesmake card with image in reactreact image cardsreact component card that grow on click in sizehow to color react bootstrap cardreact card border colorreact boostrap card responsive 3ccard img variant 3d 22 22 src 3d 7b 7d 2f 3e not working reactcard react bpotstraphow to set cards side by side in reactjsreact native bootstrap cards listimage card react htmlbootstrap react card componentcards id img reactboootstrap card reactcard react id imagecard react bootdtarphow to apply cards in reactreact bootsrap cardsform with header and footer in react bootstraparrange cards react bootstrapreact project for cardreact card sizereact cardreact cards templateboostrap react cardscard using react bootstrapcreating a card in reactjscard react bootstrap templatereactjs card stylescard template reactreact bootstrap bootstrap cardboostrap card for react nativecard item in react bootstrapreact cards inline styling in html and cssreactjs card componentcard styling example reactreact bootstrap scalable cardscreate card in row react boostrapreact bootstrap card template examplehow to use bootstrap cards in reacthow to do card in reacthow to card in reaect jsreact css styling a card bodybootstrap react card imagehow to create react card ux component with bootstrap react projectcard css in reactreact card with formscard body put react formput the card title and card text in the middle of card react bootstrapreact card default text colorcard using reacthow create events card in react jsreact bootsrtap cardreact cards with headerhow to style react bootstrap cardimport card in reactreact display cards one by onecards in react bootstrapbootstrap react cardreact components cardsselect on react cardaligning cards in react bootstrap horizontallycard list react cssrender card in reactcreate cards with reactreact bootstrap card headerauto small card in react bootstrapreactjs bootstrap 4 cardsshow cards react react cdn card examplereactjs text cardsjsx cardbootstrap card in reactreact add cardsbardge card in reactreact card component codecard example react bootsrapbreact bootstrap cardcard content center reeact 5d bootstrapreact bootstrap body componentreact bootstrap card img src jsxbootstrap css react styling card imagereact cards inline stylingreact save favorite element card react bootstrap rid of cardsboostrap card on reactreact card cssbootstrap react cards centerhow ca i use card in react bootstrapreactjs cardscreate a card in reactimport bootstrap card in reactedit card text react jscardlist component reactimport card from react bootstrapstyling cards in reactbootstrap react card textcard boostrap reactreact card component sizecard deck styling react bootstrapcard width reactbootstrap crads in reacthow to use card view in modal in react bootstrapbootstrap template card reacthow to add trapesium card using reactreact boostrap card with informationreact bootstrap card sizereact bootsrap cardhow to create cards with reactreactjs make cardhow to create card react stylecreate card using react jscard deck react bootstrapcardrow reactreact js card with apireact bootstarp cardcard using react csshow to make a card in reactjs using cssreact card borderreact cardjsreact bootstrap card deck with image overlay reusable componentcard library reactcreate a select card reactjsresponsive card react bootstrapreact cards codereact bootstrap example cardcard order react componenthow to style cards in reactreact card examplsarticle card reactjshow to add a card in reactcard link bootstrap reactreact cards with image and buttonsreact css card componentcenter react bootstrap cardsreact bootstrap 3 cardreact card classnamereact bootstrap cards deckcards side by side reacthow to use react bootstrap card 27item card react jsreact free cardcard bootstrap reactreactjs cardcreating card in reactlink card reactreact card designreact card datecard list react webreact database templates for contact cardshow to make a card show on click react bootstrpareact image card cards templet reactreactjs how to create react card componentcard view patients in react bootstrapcards in react css react card layout componenthow to select some cards based on the title in react react boot strap cradreact js bootstrap cardbootstrap cards react exampleuser card reactcard stack react bootstrapcard react bootstrap responsive cards bootstrap 4 in reactjshow to style card list in reactcard list on react cssresponsive react bootstrap cardshow to render a card in reactreact boot cardcard design in reactcreate react cards customizecard design in react js react card formstyling card component in reactreact change card component variantreact bootstrap card img jsxfor implement cards using reactreact card overlay card examplecreate custom cards reactcool cards css in react bootstrapreact cards block examplecards in reacts jscardcoloms react bootstrapsmall user card profile in reactreact cardscard section react jsreactjs spawn cardsract bootstrap cardreactjs bootstrap card taillereact bootrap cardshow can we use card component in reactjs bpootstrapbootstrap carddeck reactreact bootstrap card componentcreate cards overlay reactcreate card component reactreact bootstrap cards text implement card in reactimg in card jsxreact bootstram cardsreact bootstrap cardheadlinehow to import html cards into reactcard block message reactcard body responsive react bootstrapcard inside card deck with different width react bootstrapreact 3 card rowstyle cards reactcard image react bootstrapcard component in reactreact profile card componenthow to make cards css reactstats card in reacthow to make card be horizontal in react using css stylecards bootstrap reactchange card attributes css reactbootstrap redux component cardreact javascript cardsreact use card as tilereact bootstrap product cardsimport 7bcard 2c cardimg 2c cardtext 2c cardtitle 7d from 27react bootstrap 27 3breact cards examplecard img bootstrap rounded reactgive style in card in react jscard component jsxcard forms in react bootstrapusing bootstrap car with reaactreact native bootstrap cardbootstrap react card stylehow to render bootstrap cards in reactbootstrap react card image title overadding cards to react jshow to apply comment side to a card in reactstyle card react react card component designimage cards reactusing cards in react bootstrapcard list reactbootstrap cards in reactjsstyled cards in reactjscard style in react appreact boot strap cardsreact card list templatediv card css reactcards design in reacthow to chnage specific card width react bootstrapcards in reactcreate a card in card reactinformation card reactproduct card using html 26 css reactcreate card in reactcards react jsplegable cards reacthow to style a card in reactreact bootstrap cards side by sidesame card in react jshow rto use card in react jscard appearance react bootstraphow to style style react bootstrap card in reactimport card item from bootstrap reactreact bootstrap cardscard styles in reactjsreact bootstrap center cardhow to align card through css in reactmake an id card reactcard header react bootstrap pass classnamereact js cardselecting card in reactreact cards side by side card component for reactcard header reacthow to make a card in react without any libraryreact bootstrap card variantbootstrap cards with react componenthow to card in react jscard design bootstrap reacthave a different types of card in reactresponsive react cardreact bootstrap card not workingreact boostrap cardsreact card witdthcard content reactreact card stylercard jsxbootstrap cards in reactreact add card buttonreact card deck middlereact bootstrap image cardreact eraptic cardreact bootstrap card centerbutton card reactbest card design react jsimplement cards in react without bootstrapcard in reactcard control reactarticle card reactreact card component examplereact bootstrap list of cardsprofile cards in react jscontact card reactcontact card component reactcadr react bootstrapreact js cards freereact info cardbootstrap react beautiful cardscard react component libraryreact bootstrap card imgreact bootstrap card examplecard classnamereact card layoutreact card jscard with react cssreactjs cards templatecard styling in reacthow to use react bootstrap carddeckimport bootstrap cardsreactjs bootstrap cardcards layout react bootstrapcard in react boostraphow to make cards reactcorner of card bootstrap reactpass props to react bootstrap card componentbootsrap react cardscard design react image card reactbutton using cardlayout react cards using reactitem card bootstrap responsive reactreact bootstrap cards duplicatereact card widthreact card optionsreact carddeck componentreact card design freereact product cardsbest card component in reactreact bootstrap inside card graph examplessreact bootstrap message cardcreate a card in react without bootstrapreact bootstrap card imgcards for reactcard in reactjsreact template cardreact bootstrap card image overlay center verticalhow to style card list in react cssmaking cards on reactreactjs css cardreact cards html and cssget card style functionality reactreaxt bootstrap simple cardexisting react bootstrap cardreact card codereactjs card formstyle card components width in reactcard choise react jsreact bootstrap card image overlaycards react bootstrapboootstrap react card bodycard deck reacthow to write something on the image card in reactreact bootstrap card deckcard img react bootstrap sizedesign the card reactjscreating a card in react jsbootstrap card examples reacthow to do style in card in reacthow add cards in react jsreact bootstrap list of cardsreact card examplereact bootstrap card templatereact cards jsxcreating cards with reactcard list component react bootstrapreact list of cardscard reactreact css cardhow to make team cards in reacthow to make card in reactreactjs react bootstrap card does not position correctly when its the only card on the pagecss for react cardsdiffernet card conent show on click a in reactcards for react appcard with rect bootstrapadd style to cards on reactreact bootstrap card outline vanishbootstrap 4 cards reacttext card reactadding cards attractively in react bootstra 5bpstatus type of card in bootstrap in reactreactjs card component card article uimaking cards with reactcard media react bootstraphow do i move my react bootstrap card downcardelement bootstrap ractreact user cardscontact card using reactjs codecard reactbootstrap templatecard view react bootstrapreact bootstrap card deckreact cards classnamereact boostrap cardreact native card stylehow to use card in react jsreact cards codepenreact bootsrap card deckreact bootrap cardcard text in react bootstrapmake card react js with borderboot strap card with image react error react 2fstyle prop objectcard deck bootstrap reactreact boot strap cardimplement cards in reactresponsive card list reactreact bootstrap card democard header class name in react bootstrap 4all card link on bottom reactreact bootstrap card displaycards in reactjs react bootstrap card importhow to show card image in reactreact bootstrap card image examplecard for react jsnews cards using reactcreate react cardcard style css in react in linecard view bootstrap reactreaact card viewreact bootstrap card examplecard group in reactreact card component libraryreact bootstrap carddeckhow to add cards in reactdynamic cards bootstrap 4 in reactjsreactjs cards cssreactjs card component sizeproductcard react bootstrapreact bootstrap card stylereact js card componentcustom react cardsreact bootstrap profile cardscards in reactjs with apistyled cards reactreact card templatefull page card react jscard with text on top reacthow to create cards in react jscard component with image in react jsreact vertical cardscard body form in react bootstrapreact card selectioncard not making reactcard reactjsadd image to card in reactreact create card colpremade cards reactcards layout reactcenter a card in react bootstrappost card in react bootstraphow to add cards in react jsavatar card with lists reactjs bootstrapprops cards reactreact card imgreact bootstrap card imagecard in react jsreact bootstrap display cardsreact bootstrap component cardcard react jsresponsive cards dysplay reactusing bootstrap cards reactreact bootstrap cardbootstrap react cards team card reactcards component reactreact card deck style card blockmessage reactbootstrap react component carduse card in reactbootstrap cards reactreact bootstrap card 2b classname is not workingcreate a card reactreact cards libraryreact bootstrap responsive cardbootstrap cards in jsxcards react jsdesignhow to create a card in react jsreact card footercard class react stylehow to use bootstrap card in reactstyle a card in reactcreate cards in reactcards in react js 3ccard flex borderless style 3d 7bstyles card 7dposition react card cardstylecard to link reactreact card component with button examplehow to create a card in reactreact bootstrap card responsiveprofile card in react bootstraphow to make cards in reactjsreact blog cardsimplement cards in react without bbotstrapcard img bootstrap round reactreact text card for description cssreactjs card viewhow to use bootstrap with react cardreact make card componentreact card groupreact bootstrap cards importcard react jsform card reactreact code for making cardsreact card with imagestyle cards react