subscription field must return async iterable received 3a undefined

Solutions on MaxInterview for subscription field must return async iterable received 3a undefined by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "subscription field must return async iterable received 3a undefined "
10 Jan 2020
1type Subscription {
2  post: PostSubscription
5type PostSubscription {
6  postAdded: Post
09 Jun 2020
1Subscription: {
2  post: () => ({
3    PostSubscription: {}
4  })
6PostSubscription: {
7  postAdded: {
8    subscribe: () => pubSub.asyncIterator(['postAdded'])
9  }
19 Sep 2019
1type Subscription {
2  postAdded: Post
13 Nov 2018
1"apollo-server-express": "1.3.6",
2"apollo-server-module-graphiql": "1.3.4",
3"graphql-subscriptions": "0.5.8",
4"graphql": "0.13.2",
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