sum 28 29 python

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showing results for - "sum 28 29 python"
24 Apr 2016
1numbers = [2.5, 3, 4, -5]
3# start parameter is not provided
4numbers_sum = sum(numbers)
6# output = 4.5
8# start = 10
9numbers_sum = sum(numbers, 10)
11# output = 14.5
06 Jul 2018
1numbers = [2.5, 3, 4, -5]
3# start parameter is not provided
4numbers_sum = sum(numbers)
7# start = 10
8numbers_sum = sum(numbers, 10)
22 Jan 2017
1npsum = np.sum(array)
29 Oct 2017
1x = [1,2,3,4,5]
2s = sum(x)
3print(s) # 15
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