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showing results for - "swal2 with select2"
16 Mar 2019
1use HTML tag in swal and onOpen for initiating Select2                   
3  title: "Messaggio",
4  html: html,
5  confirmButtonColor: '#26C281',
6  confirmButtonText: 'Salva',
7  confirmButtonColor: '#26C281',
8  showCancelButton: true,
9  cancelButtonText: 'Chiudi',
10  cancelButtonColor: '#EF4836',
11  focusConfirm: false,
12  onOpen: function () {
13    $('.select2').select2({
14      minimumResultsForSearch: 15,
15      width: '100%',
16      placeholder: "Seleziona",
17      language: "it"
18    });
19  },