sys executable

Solutions on MaxInterview for sys executable by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "sys executable"
26 Jun 2017
1import sys
2print('Current python version: ', sys.version)
3print('Download dependencies here: ', sys.executable)
09 Aug 2017
1import sys
20 Nov 2020
1import sys
2print('Python version you are using')
24 Jan 2019
1import sys
3class ExpressionCounter(object):
5    def __init__(self):
6        self.count = 0
7        self.previous_value = self
9    def __call__(self, value):
10        print
11        print '  Previous:', self.previous_value
12        print '  New     :', value
13        print
14        if value != self.previous_value:
15            self.count += 1
16            sys.ps1 = '(%3d)> ' % self.count
17        self.previous_value = value
18        sys.__displayhook__(value)
20print 'installing'
21sys.displayhook = ExpressionCounter()
12 Sep 2019
1def displayhook(value):
2    if value is None:
3        return
4    # Set '_' to None to avoid recursion
5    builtins._ = None
6    text = repr(value)
7    try:
8        sys.stdout.write(text)
9    except UnicodeEncodeError:
10        bytes = text.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'backslashreplace')
11        if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer'):
12            sys.stdout.buffer.write(bytes)
13        else:
14            text = bytes.decode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'strict')
15            sys.stdout.write(text)
16    sys.stdout.write("\n")
17    builtins._ = value
04 Sep 2018
1# arguments
2def test_var_args(f_arg, *argv):
3    print("first normal arg:", f_arg)
4    for arg in argv:
5        print("another arg through *argv :", arg)
9# keywork arguments
10def test_var_kwargs(f_arg, **kwargs):
11  	print(f_arg)
12    for (key, item) in kwargs.items():
13      	print("Keyword: ", key)
14        print("Value: ", item)
16test_var_kwargs('yasoob', x = 12)
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